Simon, Very well said. All these attempts to shove some truth down believers throats are counterproductive. What changed my mind? There was no magic moment. Many small things over years. Reading the Bible for class helped but if I were truly a Witness would I be reading the Bible as part of a college course. I was born-in in a family always half out. As a general sales principle, graciousness and respect go far. These attempts to dramatize how bad the Witnesses are (such as extreme sexual abuse) not factually correct. The WT never penetrated any child. Individuals did so. Shunning hurts b/c our close family does it.
Many times I read about the worst whatever, the most egregious, OMG- never in human history and I just want to laugh. As I once stated, I've studied and participated in civil rights movements around the world. The WT is paradise compare to many.
Soft shoe dance is more effective than clog dancing in relaxing people. We do know the pain of living in such a totalitarian society. The answer is not to throw a protest the way high school students throw a dance in all those films. I believe guerilla action works far better. Talk to friends in a quiet voice. Briefly explain why you left. The drama destroys your message. Large banners and showing disrespect to the WTBTS only show that you are now exactly the same as the WT.
My religious views are based on reading. More importantly, though, they are based on the quiet witness and dignity of actual humans I know. Preaching to me makes me furious. Most regulars know what I mean. When I see a friend dealing with a bad situation, I might ask what the source of their strength is. To be precise, Quakers have always impressed me. I am not certain what Quakers believe. There is a genuine feeling of compassion and concern when I interact with them. If I ask, they will explain their beliefs. Fundamentalist Christians are very different. A group in PA would ask their neighbors what religion they were. People wondered why ask the question but revealed that they were Catholic or Anglican. Well, the "Christian " response was "I am a Christian." ( visions of voice hearers go thru my mind). So far all they have done is hurt people deeply. People share the humiliating experience. The whole town know to avoid their church.
Living well is the best revenge. Do well in life. Volunteer. Listen to music. Whatever you like. Armed warfare against the WT binds you to the WT in a stronger fashion than ever before. There is no freedom. Another Band idea that is not her own. The absence of love is not hate. Hate binds you even more. Hate incapacitates you. The opposite of love is indifference.
It is clear that a segment here wants to play 1960s radical hippie. I already did that show. Now I know how to be effective. Unless some noteable event happened on the West Coast, I was likely present on the East Coast. The lifestyle was never so glamorous. Little of our agenda was achieved by calling cops pigs. Becoming police commissioner or appointing one is the answer. A lawyer here told me I was crazy to try to explain the law to members here. I thought education would help. The person was correct in calling me crazy. Law is not the forum to win any points against the WT. The First Amendment will never be repealed. Going out and having fun is the way to redress your grievances. To battle merely to battle is crazy.