"Home schooling is intellectual incest, the intentional stunting of the growth of your offspring's mind, IMO."
Maybe, maybe not. That almost sounds like a reverse CO comment, you know, the ones without children. It's easy to arm-chair quarter-back on Monday morning..
My kid has had home school since Middle-School. Not because of pioneering or peer-pressure, but because of drugs and crime. There were many factors that went into the decision. One of which is my personal opinion that public, standardized education is intellectually stunting. Public schools can only teach children so much. Sadly, unless the school is exceptional, your child is taught to be a cog in the machine.
I think the Parent's must KNOW the child and nurture them. I plan on helping my child further their education after completing the mandatory courses required in the U.S. One advantage of modern home schooling is the use of technology. My child may be able to do almost all supplemental/higher education via computer. That makes getting educated without being inundated with student loans a possibility. I know many, many, biologists and chemists, who specialize in making coffee at Starbucks. They may NEVER get out of debt. Universities make money for Universities, but yes, you may get a career if you are shrewed.
The downside of home-school is the lack of positive peer-pressure. I have to constantly help to motivate my child, especially since the wife is an asleep JW. I have to work twice as hard to teach my child to reason. The sleepless nights, filled with worry are almost more than I can bear sometimes. With having to provide for a family, I simply cannot always be with my child. So I must rely on the school system for what it can provide, and I must teach my child to reason while keeping cult-thinking at bay. I also cannot afford to educate myself. So I have to make due and plan accordingly. It's all very frustrating.
I can tell you this much, each circumstance is different. So, while I agree that children must be protected from harmful influences, especially cults, it's not so cut and dried. Yes, they need adults besides their parent to help them and motivate them, but it's not easy with a die-hard JW spouse. The END is SOON(tm), so only so much education is practical from a JW standpoint. You also cannot turn your hous into a war zone over religion. Especially when the focal point is the child. That is abusive. So while I agree with Adamah's points, judging and painting with a broad brush is not fair in every case.