Home schooled witness kids

by stillin 58 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    There is no way in Hell that my kid would go to the " New System School." Of course, I am posting on JWN as well...


  • FirstLastName

    There was a version of JW "public" school in the Bay Area back in the late 80's/90's. The name escapes me right now. A JW family of teachers opened a school in a couple rooms of a community center and charged "private schoole" prices. I think there was around 30 students attending when I became aware of it. I remember cause my brother begged and got to go for one year. But after one year he asked to go back to public school.

  • adamah

    DD said- Maybe, maybe not. That almost sounds like a reverse CO comment, you know, the ones without children. It's easy to arm-chair quarter-back on Monday morning..

    I didn't think anyone could possibly misunderstand my words as if to think I was making an absolutist claim of saying "in EVERY situation", or to infer, "in ALL cases", etc. Obviously if someone lives in SOME neighborhoods of certain towns (eg Detroit comes to mind), then YES, in those cases it might be wise NOT to send a child to public school (or to seek 'private' education instead, or any of the other alternatives not even mentioned, besides home-schooling).

    I'm thinking of the example of a JW sister-in-law who was a stay-at-home housewife, and taught my nieces and nephews (despite barely graduating from public high school herself, since the pioneering tended to get in the way of her studies, and, let's face it: she didn't really excel in school, and she wasn't going to be the class valedictorian or going to college anyway). Her children often taught or corrected her, since she was the slow kid in the class. I dare say many 'lesson plans' were pencil-whipped, since towards the end they all got a bit-more lax (and it didn't matter, since the kids had a life of pioneering and working in the building trades on their horizons, anyway).

  • snare&racket

    OP: depends how you measure success? Good grades ? Good grades AND good social skills? Good grades in as many subjects as a normal kid? A fair and balanced education?

    Home schooled kids are missing out on more than just evolution lessons.....

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    My cong. has probably 15 kids up to age 12 or so. One by one they started homeschooling and now they are ALL HOMESCHOOLED. They are all barely literate and are very, very unintelligent. It's quite sad to see the squandered potential. I imagine home schooling is pretty easy to a point, but what do you do when they start getting into advanced math or sciences? You're fucked. You can't teach them. All you can do is rely on the book.

    I know ONE person my age who is a home school success. Super smart, near perfect SAT scores, got a college scholarship and took up engineering. Of course he decided to move to South America somewhere and pioneer, but that's besides the point. The only reason he did well is because mom is a retired college professor so she was actually qualified to teach. That's obviously an exception, so he got lucky.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I can understand any parent deciding to home-school if the public school system in which they live is dangerous, ie an inner-city public school in the US. That would be the only reason I would accept as resonable cause to make such a decision. I now of several families who have home-schooled kids. Without exception those kids meet what is described above. Average parents, unless they are educators themselves, cannot teach the higher academic courses that kids need to be successful today. (Successful JWs maybe.)


  • ILoveTTATT

    I homeschooled my grade 12. Freaking awesome. I would do nothing for weeks and then in one day catch up with all my homework, etc. Got the highest grade 12 marks in my school, was the ONLY person who took "diploma" exams for Biology and Physics (i.e. I was the only person in the room, no one else took those courses in the school)...

    Went on to Chemical Engineering... and lots of hate from the congregation.... but oh well... happy I finished my engineering.

  • adamah

    BB said-

    The only reason he did well is because mom is a retired college professor so she was actually qualified to teach. That's obviously an exception, so he got lucky.

    My nieces and nephews were almost at their breaking point of openly displaying contempt for their JW mom, since it was constant exposure to her, 24/7. Teens need a break from that much "unconditional" parental love and a chance to develop their individual identities apart from their parents, and I cannot imagine that kind of cloistered, claustrophobic environment being emotionally-healthy for either mom OR for the kids (in most cases).

    My mom had a college degree (in arts), but I don't think I'd want her teaching me high school chemistry, math, English, etc, even if she wanted to, LOL!

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    I guess it all boils down to how much a Christian parent is willing to allow their child to be exposed to worldly influences. I mean on one hand you can't hide your children from the world any more than you can get off of it. Plus you want your child to have at least some level of interaction so as not to be socially awkward. At the same time both public and private schools are basically the breeding grounds for modern day Phillistines and Caananites. So it's really a tough decision to make.

  • KateWild

    At the same time both public and private schools are basically the breeding grounds for modern day Phillistines and Caananites.-SFPW

    LOL! Good point. I will take that on board for my kids. Kate xx

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