Why I was TRACKED DOWN by elder

by Derrick 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick
    If I was to be "exposed" as an apostate, her conscience would require her to cut me off completely. Not only would that hurt her beyond belief - it would hurt me!! I've suffered enough pain and damage by the JW's and don't care to suffer more. So for now - anonymity is important to me!

    Dawn, thanks for expressing the spirit of what I was trying to convey. Perhaps AlanF and others finally "get" what I was trying to express but obviously failed in their case to communicate.

    Keep expressing your love to your mother for there are precious few moments for you two when she is living. I know because I miss my mother who died of cancer, heartbroken with tears from having to leave her children behind when she wasn't ready to go, having so much "unfinished business" left in life like taking care of her family.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • InfoOverload
    You need to be tough, Simon, but you need to keep loving those who seem so threatening with their multiple
    personalities. If you must deal with them, I suggest doing it properly.
    Perhaps H2O moderators including myself were fortunate enough not
    to have been driven far enough to ever post such a perceived threat to disruptive elements, which in fact was a warning and not intended as
    a threat. I have posted a lot of angry things myself, addressed to those who were continuous sources of disruption. I could have easily gone
    over the edge and threatened to turn someone in to their employer myself! I didn't.

    At one time h2o was being spammed with porn. The h2o admin found out where the person was spamming from, notified their university about their activities and had the University track the student down. You went so far as to post the address of the dean of the University and encouraged h2o posters to write and complain about this student's activities.

  • LDH

    Derrick? It seems you've been challenged to a duel.


  • Derrick
    At one time h2o was being spammed with porn. The h2o admin found out where the person was spamming from, notified their university about their activities and had the University track the student down. You went so far as to post the address of the dean of the University and encouraged h2o posters to write and complain about this student's activities.

    Hello InfoOverload, if you review my post to Simon you'll see that I'm not against taking action provided there is a policy in place.

    In the instance you mentioned, H2O's written policy was against pornography. Specific reasons for the policy were that H2O was a site frequented by Jehovah's Witnesses of all ages and porn is deemed by many including mental health professionals as inappropriate for young people. Not only was a policy against porn in place but specific reasons were sited for the policy.

    Next, an online agreement was placed in H2O's Forum Participation Policy (FPP) that states user agrees that his or her participation is based upon adherence to the FPP. In essence, H2O had a "shrinkwrap" agreement that was "wrapped" around its free forum services. This was to give moderators the "teeth" to act against violators of the FPP.

    I agree that it's Simon's site and he can do anything he darned well wants, but my only point was that since this is a site that invites the public that he should have policies. Heck, if he wants to post a policy that states "participant agrees to be humiliated publicly, and even turned into his employer or university if I so choose", and has an agreement that registered users are bound to his policies, then he can do that.

    It's noteworthy that ALL of H2O's policies were designed for the benefit of users and not, as some have charged, to feed the "egos" and "power trips" of moderators or site management. I challenge anyone to point to one posted policy of H2O's that does NOT benefit the users for whom H2O was created?

    In summary, there was a time when as you said "h2o was being spammed with porn." SPAMMING is probably considered the more heinous offense by most forum administrators on the internet, because it tramples the rights of all users to benefit from open discussions. It interferes with discussions. It destroys the delicate social fabric of online forums, so there might as well not be online forums unless the spamming is stopped.

    Knowing fully well there are minors who are on the site engaged in discussions -- and the site is religious in nature -- makes the crime of spam all more heinous, when one thus spams with PORN! Posting pornography that is accessible by young people, IMO, is a crime of morally attacking them. We know that literal physical assault of youth is criminal, as http://www.silentlambs.org/ has brought to the forefront of our attention.

    But what about the crime of psychological "rape" against a youth by exposing their precious and defensely minds to the moral filth and decay that is brought this world to ruins?

    Finally, H2O never mentioned to the university that if you find the person, to place this on his academic record and make sure the university notes he is taking time away from his studies. Same would have held true if it were a corporation. WE SIMPLY NOTIFY THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE FACTS. For all we know, a janitor or outsider is using the facilities to post the porn. In like manner, for all Simon knows, an outside consultant or family member of an employee is tunnelling into the corporation through access to its proxy, like a great many people in the JW reform movement do to cover their tracks. There are so many available I.P. addresses floating around large corporations that are borrowed by consultants, temps, family members and friends of employees including executives, so difficult to trace who is the "guilty" party(ies).

    All H2O ever did in this instance of clear activity that violated its posted policies is to inform the administrator at the point of origion of offending transmissions. All that administrator could do is to try to determine who was involved. Perhaps it was some dirty old fart who took breaks between sweeping floors late at night to grab a terminal to logon to the net? Who knows? Our concern was to alert the administrator so that offending transmissions were STOPPED, even if it meant for the administrator to block the I.P. address(es) we reported from accessing H2O. Perhaps they never caught the person, but whoever logs onto the net suddenly finds they cannot access H2O due to some sort of "proxy error" they aren't sure is at their end, or our end? Who knows? At least we stopped the porn, and protected those in our charge from its corrupting influence.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Valis

    No one has mentioned whether or not Simon has actually nailed some troll by the methods mentioned in previous posts. If an implied threat works, then maybe folks would be more steadfast in the belief that one user name is enough.


    District Overbeer

  • InfoOverload

    Hi Derrick,

    I don't disagree with how you handled the porn situation on your board. You had a right to protect the board
    you administered. Simon has that right as well. I'm sure the individual he threatened isn't a child and knows
    full well that his/her antics are morally wrong, written policy or none.

    I'm editing this to add that I was of the impression that this involved more than just using multiple personalities to
    disrupt the board, but rather attempts to defraud the other participants of the board. When you advised the individual how to surf anonymously, you unwittingly assisted them in how to cheat and defraud anonymously.

    This is a quote from the forum director of h2o about this issue:


    As a general discussion, should someone come here continually making up new sob stories and (this
    is the key) start trying to defraud people with false charity pleas, I would be in favour of taking any
    steps, including reporting this person to the authorities or whatever steps would be necessary to
    prevent this person from coming back to steal from the participants here. This is about the only
    reason I could foresee 'going after' someone. Intentional attempts to defraud.

    That being said however....

    While I see the parellels you mention, it has generally been encouraged not to bring H20 business to
    other Boards and not to bring their business here. I would presume that given your history, any
    suggestions you may want to share with Simon would be better received by email to him.

    Hoping all is well with you,


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