My people, my people, my people. Fellow
When will y’all learn?
My friend Violet went to the meeting yesterday and enjoyed herself. She hung out with friends, heard a bible-based lecture and got something out of it, maybe went to eat a meal afterwards. My wife went to a very similar meeting, heard a very similar talk, hung out with friends and had a meal. *SHE* enjoyed HER day.
While these two lovelies were sitting at their respective Halls – looking edible, smelling scrumptious, all ears and devoted to their god – I was lurking/posting to a certain ‘apostate’ website, hanging out with god-forsakens, drinking coffee, and watching SportsCenter on ESPN. (Yeah, I know... I’m going to hell, but I got the keys!!)
For the three of us, it was time spent, time gone. Who’s better off? Me or them?
Yesterday, Violet (and wife) had their fun—did what they wanted to do, spent their 1440 minutes just like they wanted. So did I. They had her fun. So did I.
The essential truth of it is that one day—tomorrow or fifty years from now—we’re all gonna die. “Saving” Violet from the Watchtower – a place she wants to be, btw – is not going to affect her eventual end. While we’re here, might as well do what we want.
Violet WANTS to be a Witness. Understand? Let her be a Witness. Why act a fool by giving her grief? You might be forcing her to hold on even tighter. I guess that’d make y’all happy?
She doesn’t want to ride bikes on the weekend like TR does. She doesn’t want to watch SportsCenter like I do on the weekends. She doesn’t want to garden like Waiting does on the weekend. SHE WANTS TO GO TO THE KINGDOM HALL AND WORSHIP JEHOVAH.
Whatever she does (or WE do), she’s gonna die after seventy or eighty years, and then it’s over. What does it matter WHAT she does during that time? Haven’t y’all learned ANYTHING???? Live and let live, for crying out loud.
Y’all crack me up!!