Thank you, Violet

by teejay 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    My people, my people, my people. Fellow

    When will y’all learn?

    My friend Violet went to the meeting yesterday and enjoyed herself. She hung out with friends, heard a bible-based lecture and got something out of it, maybe went to eat a meal afterwards. My wife went to a very similar meeting, heard a very similar talk, hung out with friends and had a meal. *SHE* enjoyed HER day.

    While these two lovelies were sitting at their respective Halls – looking edible, smelling scrumptious, all ears and devoted to their god – I was lurking/posting to a certain ‘apostate’ website, hanging out with god-forsakens, drinking coffee, and watching SportsCenter on ESPN. (Yeah, I know... I’m going to hell, but I got the keys!!)

    For the three of us, it was time spent, time gone. Who’s better off? Me or them?

    Yesterday, Violet (and wife) had their fun—did what they wanted to do, spent their 1440 minutes just like they wanted. So did I. They had her fun. So did I.

    The essential truth of it is that one day—tomorrow or fifty years from now—we’re all gonna die. “Saving” Violet from the Watchtower – a place she wants to be, btw – is not going to affect her eventual end. While we’re here, might as well do what we want.

    Violet WANTS to be a Witness. Understand? Let her be a Witness. Why act a fool by giving her grief? You might be forcing her to hold on even tighter. I guess that’d make y’all happy?

    She doesn’t want to ride bikes on the weekend like TR does. She doesn’t want to watch SportsCenter like I do on the weekends. She doesn’t want to garden like Waiting does on the weekend. SHE WANTS TO GO TO THE KINGDOM HALL AND WORSHIP JEHOVAH.

    Whatever she does (or WE do), she’s gonna die after seventy or eighty years, and then it’s over. What does it matter WHAT she does during that time? Haven’t y’all learned ANYTHING???? Live and let live, for crying out loud.

    Y’all crack me up!!

  • LB

    I'm quacked up too. And I agree teejay. Let her have fun. I wish her the best.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • COMF

    She has a blessing from the majority of us to go. In fact, many have encouraged her to do so. However, her agenda at present seems to consist of casting vague insults and accusations at the board participants in general.

    No problem with her going to the witnesses. But, everybody loves a good mudfight, and it's just that much more fun when you're not the instigator.


    Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring
    Your winter-garment of repentance fling:
    The bird of Time has but a little way
    To flutter--and the bird is on the wing.

  • cellomould

    You have the keys to Hades, Teejay?
    I thought only St. Peter was given those!


    "Without judgement, perception would increase a million times" Death, Without Judgement

  • VioletAnai

    I don't wanna go Kemf...I like you guys too much....

  • VioletAnai

    TeeJay thanx....I was raised a you will all say 'Oh so THAT is her problem'. I saw their good points, I saw a hell of a lot of bad points....I saw good and bad points in me too....I left and sorted my life out, my pain and came back with a clear head, and an ability to actually take in and mull over what I was learning.

    It does make me happy being a witness, I find great enjoyment, just as I'm sure your wife does - wish her all the best for me. I've found no happiness anywhere else...wiccan is empty....hating God is empty...being bitter all the time is empty...

    Fighting all the time is fruitless and we only end up getting each others backs up.

    I did not intend to step on toes with that thread on apostates...I was thinking out loud and ASKED for OTHER OPINIONS....

    Why am I wasting my breath explaining myself?

  • dungbeetle

    >Why am I wasting my breath explaining myself?<

    It's called 'counting time'. How stupid do you think we are? Never mind, don't answer's obvious you think we're very stupid.

    Your patronizing, condescending attitude has been as well received here as a turd floating in a party punch bowl. As well it should be. You've done nothing but waste our time and our enrgy which could have been better spent helping the Bryants and the Freemans and the Longos of the world.

    Not that YOU would know. You should be out there helping them yourself. Why are you here with us instead of there? Why are you not visiting the sick, helping the poor, someplace where you are not being 'attacked' and 'wasting your breath'?

    You NEVER fooled me. Not for a minute.

  • TD

    I largely agree with you TeeJay. My own wife was at her circuit assembly yesterday.

    Like I've already said, Some choose to remain JW’s because it fills a need. It doesn't matter what the need is. Whether it be emotional, spiritual, familial, the need is more important to the individual than cold hard facts by themselves.

    I have the utmost respect for my wife because she is honest on this point and doesn't carelessly throw around the vilest pejoratives in the JW vernacular.

  • VioletAnai


    Can you please explain to me how I 'fooled' you...I have been nothing but straight honest with all of you....

    As for condescending..well if I was...I'm sorry...perhaps I need this pointed out to me also?

  • teejay

    Vi, my sister...

    I’ve been fooled before, so your persona here may be unreal. Even so, I know people who, if they came here, would say pretty much what you’ve said all along. One of those is my own mother, the only Hero I have ever had. So, when I see your screen name I think of her, whether you are real or not.

    With that in mind, I’ll simply say that you don’t have to explain or justify your love of the Witnesses. It’s what you want to do. That’s all. Period. You don’t need to explain to strangers (who you’ll never meet) why you do what you do.

    Go and be well, my daughter. My sister.

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