Thank you, Violet

by teejay 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    You said,
    "Violet WANTS to be a Witness. Understand? Let her be a Witness. Why act a fool by giving her grief"?
    When I am involved in a discussion with Violet I am usually saying what I believe to be true based on my experiences in the W.T.S. Obviously you have not lost a loved one to the bogus teachings of the society, otherwise you would not feel that our concern is "acting like a fool". The fact of the matter is people are dead.
    This isnt a joke. It shouldnt be taken lightly. Yea people bitch about the countless hours spent in kingdom halls, in studies, in service etc.
    You and I both know that there are life threatening doctrines that need major revising. Do you love your wife? Would you let her die refusing a blood transfusion? How would you feel if your wife let your child die on the operating table because the W.T.S. said blood transfusions are wrong according to the bible.
    People are living that very reality.

  • teejay


    I know what you mean about your comments to Violet being true to your experiences as a Witness. Believe me, I do.

    >> Obviously you have not lost a loved one to the bogus teachings of the society, otherwise you would not feel that our concern is "acting like a fool". The fact of the matter is people are dead.

    Is that so?

    Perhaps you are unaware that I was raised in the truth. Read my profile. If you HAVE done so, you know that several of my blood relatives (including my mother and wife) are presently loyal JWs. I don’t know if that qualifies as “losing” them, but they ARE quite loyal and, due to their JW indoctrination, are very worried about my life.

    >> Do you love your wife? Would you let her die refusing a blood transfusion?

    We’ve talked about it. To answer your question: No.

    As the new blood cards come out every (other) year, I ask her what her wishes are. I tell her that I will honor her wish, whatever it is. According to her request (and she’s a “loyal” JW) I will allow a blood transfusion. If she had said, "No transfusion", I would watch her die on the gurney. I would hope that if I were in the same perdicatment, she would be faithful to *my* stated wishes.

    >> How would you feel if your wife let your child die on the operating table because the W.T.S. said blood transfusions are wrong according to the bible.

    I will not let my wife die due to denying her a blood transfusion (per *her* request).

    As for my daughter, my wife has been informed that in my abscence my baby girl is to be given EVERY MEDICAL PROCEDURE AVAILABLE, including transfusions, if need be. If I’m incapacitated and recover, only to find that my wife denied my dying child a blood transfusion due to the JW bullshit ... well...

    ... I’ve let my wife know, in no uncertain terms, what she might expect from me. As I told her... it won’t last long, but the ensuing ugliness will be *very* ugly and she will NOT like it.

    >> People are living that very reality.

    I know.

  • Solace

    Im Sorry. I meant lost, as in death.
    Your wife and daughter are very lucky to have you to look out for them.

  • Marilyn

    Heaven, I know where you are coming from. About 42 years ago a sweet young woman convinced my mother that my brother and I should have a *Bible* study. My mother agreed - for a whole bunch of misguided reasons. Had my mother been out that day, our family COULD not have been as divided, as unhappy and as financially retarded as they are today. I can't state that for a fact but we were middle socio-economic group, vaguely intellegent and generally well liked and respected in the community. The effect of Jehovah's Witnesses on my three siblings and my parents has been devistating. I can only look at what their lives are and see how they struggle and I really wish a big ol' fairy would wave a wand and let them live forever in eutopia - because they sure deserve it after sacrificing a potentially great life for the WT life.

    I really hope things turn out way better for Violet though - she deserves a break.


  • Marilyn

    :::::::While these two lovelies were sitting at their respective Halls – looking edible, smelling scrumptious, all ears and devoted to their god – I was lurking/posting to a certain ‘apostate’ website, hanging out with god-forsakens, drinking coffee, and watching SportsCenter on ESPN. (Yeah, I know... I’m going to hell, but I got the keys!!)

    teejay, I can't decide whether to applaude your post or be really p'd off about it. I guess this is my way of saying I can see ya point of view. I really can.

    So, let's suppose you are a hot shot financial advisor with years of experience under your belt. Then someone, let's call her VioletAnai, comes along and tells you she's putting $500K, her inheritence, into Awaywithall Property Developement Corp. She's just tickled pink about this company and she's not asking, she's telling you what its dividens are going to be very "soon", and that you too should invest in it. Now you like this girl, coz she's sweet and she's got spirit and she's having a ball reading all the glossy brochures that Awaywithall has given her to read. It all sounds great on paper don't it though?!

    Of course you know that if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. So do you leave her be to enjoy herself? Or do you give her the inside info on Awaywithall? Seems to me you think she's too preedy and she smells too nice to spoil her fun.


  • Hyghlandyr


    TeeJay said it all as far as I am concern. I feel the same way. If you like the hall blast any who tell you not to go. And yes I think you rock and if anyone doesnt like that I think she rocks well um, gosh gee willickers!


    DUDE! No wonder I like ya man. That's a heluva post. I especially liked the part about two lovelies sittin in a hall.

    Which reminds me, and I am assumin you cant do this at 'your' hall, or none of the rest of yens...either. But anyone game for goin to a hall dressed as clowns? Or if yer to embarassed, yall can just sit there while I come in? Wouldnt that rock?

    Or christmas is comin up...what if we go carolin with the kingdom melodies. We talk about this kinda stuff all the time on yahoo, and I think its time the talk ends and the action starts! By golly!

    Which oh yeah, brings me to why I brought that up. Teejay, is it me or do cults have an inordinate amount of fine feathered fillies? I mean like yall gots ta admit dem halls haz gotz da hottiez. The Awake or watchtower or whatever the heck it is, came in today. On the back was an ad for the conventions. Oh and the thoughts rushin into Hyghs brain...yes his BRAIN shut the frag up those of yall who arent listenin.

    So I showed it to my friend Rico. He wasnt too game but I think I could convince him to go. Robert will definitely go and Mark is willin to try anythin once. (From now on I shall refer to them by their online names Rico=ErikDraven Robert=TheTrueReb Mark=Jiloawybhon) So I figure with all the fine specimens that are bound to be at the convention this year, its a sure fire way to kick back and enjoy some nice scenery for a day or so. Anyone game? Anyone a' tall?

    Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete

  • teejay


    You know, part of me gets pissed at Violet for pretty much the same reasons that every one else gets pissed. A bigger part of me, though, likes her, understands her... so, respects her.

    Now, seeing that this is the net, it could be that Violet ain’t even real. But like I told her, there are real people – bunches of them – who feel just like Vi does and would say some of the exact same things *she* says, so in that way I treat her words as real, cause they are. Example: If my mom every came here, she’d sound a lot like Violet.

    Your analogy of me being a financial “expert” advising a client was a good one. I don’t know if it fits exactly, though. Violet knows a little bit about Witness life and non-Witness life. She’s not exactly a layperson. For her, Witness life is more appealing. Sure, you and I know the returns on her investment (in your analogy) in going back to the Organization are only 2%, but to Violet it beats the 1.75% she’d get if she stayed ‘in the world.’

    What the Violets of the world fail to see is that there are more than just two funds to invest in. But you can’t beat ‘em over the head. You have to let them choose. One day, when she settles into her own, maybe she’ll think more like you and I do. Maybe not. Either way, I respect her choice to live like *she* wants. I try to help her avoid what I think are pitfalls, but once she understands all that I can tell her, what else can I do?

    I wrote an essay once about Africans who left the plantation following the Civil War. They were free, but freedom was (and is) tough. As a result, after barely scratching out a meager existence and nearly dying of starvation, many returned to the plantation, the scene of generations of misery and hardship. That’s a true fact.

    It might be easy to ridicule their decision. So, why’d they do that? Simple. Plantation life, as bad as it was, was easier than freedom.

  • SYN

    I tend to agree, Teejay. But what I can't stand is when she degrades US, calls us Consorts of Satan (amongst other things), and refuses to answer our heart-felt questions about her "faith"(TM).

    That, and merely BEING A DUB means that you have to promote the Dub party-line and try and convert people, and that is unforgiveable, because the Tower has hurt and killed so many people during it's existence.

    As far as I'm concerned, I don't give a flying what Ms. VioletAnai does with her life. She can go to meetings six times a day for all I care. But the moment Dubs start trying to make NEW Dubs, is when I start lashing out violently.

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

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