Those others. They think differently than us, they act differently, and they smell funny. Not only that, they are a threat to our very well-being. These "others" must be destroyed.
No stonings in my neighbourhood lately. Could this be another example of a disconnect between expressed belief and behavior? How would a similar show of hands to a statement of faith show out at a Kingdom Hall? Collective showing of hands is pretty strong social pressure. Muslims are still living under the delusion that they are one religion.
My unthreatening, grandmotherly demeanor finds me in unusual conversations. I was once approached in a hotel hot-tub by a young Native man, former evangelical Christian, current Muslim. He had gone through a tough, tough life and had been betrayed by those closest to him. I heard all about it. I did throw in a comment that the Muslims were not as unified as they seem. And I told him he would make a great father one day. Such a sincere young man. He didn't get a convert that day, heh heh heh.
Want to scare a Christian conspiracy theorist?. Mention the Humanist Manifesto. It has signatories.