My JW daughter told me....

by Yadira Angelini 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini


    My face is red as well...

    LDH, I'll come back to re read that information and I will print it, thanks a lot.. I can see you all are sensitive to my frustration... I appreciate it.

    Valis, I'll tell her, you make me laugh each time I read 'district overbeer'. (Something like that) why do you say it?

    SYN, she is not a teenager anyomore, she graduated from college on Sociology. The WT teachings have kept her from pursuing her Masters.

    Billygoat, KKKKK (coughing) from embarrasment. I admire Reborn2000 big time: his looks, his mind, his intelligence and I respect him as well. All in a good sense of the word. If you admire blue and me and Reborn, it must be that you must have the qualities you see in us as well, cause you reconized them... I appreciate your kind words. OK? Andy dear? I'm glad to hear you admire Reborn2000 as well. Oh! I better run!! Love to all,


  • bluesapphire

    Mom, I don't know how you can have patience with E when she is such an idiot!

    I think it's better she shuns me because I would have told her to stop being such an ass!

  • AjaxMan

    Did you become a JW while in college or after college?

    Why can you not go for your Masters Degree?



  • Prisca


    I loved your post. Very funny, although if I was in Italy too I might have to fight with you over Reborn. He is a honey, isn't he?

    Sad to say, I used to dream of all the things I could do in the New System. I was going to have a beautiful house in a forest surrounded by trees and native animals, a hoard of kids and friends coming to visit me. It was a nice dream for a while.

  • Farkel


    The bad thing about me being in the New World System(tm) that dubs are longing for is that everyone I like will have been murdered and I would have to spend eternity with braindead window washers.

    Instead of listening to Beethoven and Mozart symphonies, I would have to listen to "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" for ever and ever and ever. Surely "hell" would be a better destiny than that.


  • outnfree


    I feel your pain!

    Although heaven has provided the perfect excuse for any Witness who would prefer living in a larger home rather than a shoebox!:

    "But, dear Elder XXXXX, it's not materialism! After all, I have to have enough space for Grandma Faithful, Aunt Righteous and Uncle Integrity to live when the resurrection comes after Armageddon. And Armageddon is coming REAL SOON now, isn't it?!!!"


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • SYN

    Farkel: NOOOOOOO! Not that Kingdom Melody! I would seriously take two shotguns, place one on each temple, and then fire them whil jumping off a cliff with a rope around my neck and falling through a wall of fire into a pit of acid filled with Great White Sharks! Sharks with ulcers and bad tempers! That are on fire too! And are pissed out of their minds! OK, now this is just getting ridiculous, but that's how much I'd like that particular scenario.
    Yadira: Oops. Well, you know what I meant!

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Bluesapphire, calm down! and your language has been excused. Ajaxman needs an your answer in this thread. I love you! mom.

    SYN, thanks to responding, yeah!

    outnfree, your sensitive, dear.

    Farkel, like I said, my dear Italian husband would be gone! so, why even dream about the New System? just like you, my favorite people will be gone, including you! thanks for posting.

    Prisca, you can keep Reborn2000; just let me have a piece of his good jugdment once in a while... above all I respect his jugdment, that been the reason why I enjoy his posts. So let him post once in a while.

  • Reborn2002

    You guys are too much!

    Everyone here seems to take note of my Italian heritage, but I am multiracial. My mom is Puertorican you know

    Anyway, this is a difficult situation and I sympathize with you Yadira. Conditioned responses with unfounded hopes such as "waiting on the New System" are classic examples of cult programming. There is no real evidence of this paradise, only pipe dreams based on faith and someone else's idea.

    I know this from experience, for I deal with the same issues in my own family.

    I never knew so many people paid attention to me, I am truly flattered, but not worth that much praise or notice. I just seek the truth, and dont want anyone else to be needlessly hurt or deceived as I was for so long. I may be young, but 20 years born into that Organization is longer than anyone should have to suffer... and with family still on the inside which shun you.. continue to suffer.

    Thanks to all for being a listening ear, and if I can aid even one more person to leave the Witnesses, I have done something right. So far I have gotten 4 people out now.. and I plan on making those numbers grow.

    It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
    WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3

  • bluesapphire

    Ajax, it's my JW sister who got her degree in Sociology before joining dubland.

    They pressured her not to go for her masters. And she feels she should put "Kingdumb interests first."

    How the hell could a person with a degree in sociology join the dubs? That's why I say she's an idiot.

    But in reality, I am the culpable one since I sucked her in. She studied because she wanted to "save" me. Instead I saved myself but can't save her.

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