SFPW, I'm curious you said JWs have nothing to be ashamed of or hide. Go to the watchtower online library wol.jw.org and type in millions now living will never die. The last time this talk by Rutherford was mentioned was in the 2/15 2010 watchtower. Look at what they changed the title to in that article and then tell me why they did please.
Quotes to discourage JWs from researching WT history?
by JWOP 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
Stand for Pure Worship
SFPW, I'm curious you said JWs have nothing to be ashamed of or hide. Go to the watchtower online library wol.jw.org and type in millions now living will never die. The last time this talk by Rutherford was mentioned was in the 2/15 2010 watchtower. Look at what they changed the title to in that article and then tell me why they did please.
Ummmm yeah, about that SloppyJoe.......... taken from
2012 Yearbook, Norway, pages 103, 104
“Millions Now Living Will Never Die” was the intriguing discourse given by Brother Rutherford in 1918. From 1920 through 1925, this stirring talk was given throughout the world. A. H. Macmillan came from the world headquarters in New York to give the talk in a number of cities in Norway. In Kristiania, every seat in the university auditorium was taken, and many people were turned away. However, Brother Öman climbed onto a box at the entrance and loudly announced: “If you come back in one hour and a half, Macmillan will give the talk again!” Sure enough, people filled the hall again to hear Brother Macmillan give the talk a second time. For some years afterward, Norwegian brothers gave the talk throughout the rest of Norway. Thousands listened eagerly to the convincing Scriptural evidence that many will survive Armageddon and gain everlasting life on a paradise earth. Many also received the message by means of the booklet Millions Now Living Will Never Die!
Stand for Pure Worship
Uhhhh Ohhhh, they mentioned the same talk in the 2013 Yearbook too SloppyJoe!!!!
"In 1928, another English pioneer from India, George Wright, visited Burma and toured the country for five months, distributing much Bible literature. Those seeds of truth doubtless included the 1920 booklet Millions Now Living Will Never Die!—the first of our Christian publications to be translated into Burmese. "
So you think that was just a typo? The magazine that gets passed out to everyone vs the book that JWs get. Any JW knows the real title of that talk, no outsider does. Only time will tell if they try it again. You failed to answer why they printed it that way...
The most honest and logical answer to all the recent changes is that the WTS. is trying to reform itself
using new strategic marketing schemes to make their organization still appear viable in both the members
minds as well the general public's.
The hiding away past publications is part of that strategy, announcing the WTS.
has made mistakes in the past is another, the focusing proclamation that the GB of the WTS.
is the FDSL. etc ....
Other possible changes could be changing the name to some of the long standing literature titles like
the Watchtower to something else ( remember that was done once before ) .
The dropping of some critically held doctrines like 1914 is another possibility into the future.
If you were running this religious publishing house and you realized that past proclamations and
doctrines were openly false and perhaps just construed as advantageous marketing tools in
proliferating the organization's literature, you would probably start making some strategic changes too.
Stand for Pure Worship
So you think that was just a typo? The magazine that gets passed out to everyone vs the book that JWs get. Any JW knows the real title of that talk, no outsider does. Only time will tell if they try it again. You failed to answer why they printed it that way...
Ummmm, you know what? I was so quick to prove you wrong about the dates of this talk being referenced in the literature that I missed your original point. I don't know what to say about that. Have to be honest with you Joe, I don't know.
I will admit I only searched the watchtower, not all publications. Seeing they are printing it back the right way in not so public publications, I will certainly be watching to see how they print it in the watchtower again in the future. With the amount of proof reading that the literature goes through, I find it difficult to believe no one caught the slight difference but very different meaning.
So you think that was just a typo? The magazine that gets passed out to everyone vs the book that JWs get. Any JW knows the real title of that talk, no outsider does. Only time will tell if they try it again. You failed to answer why they printed it that way...
Ummmm, you know what? I was so quick to prove you wrong about the dates of this talk being referenced in the literature that I missed your original point. I don't know what to say about that. Have to be honest with you Joe, I don't know.
I believe the talks were originally titled "Millions now living MAY never die". Rutheford felt more and more confidant that armageddon would come in 1925 that he changed the talks to "Millions now living WILL never die".
The WTBS uses laziness to their advantage in this situation. They dont care if you research their pat, becasue how would your average witness do that? They would pull out the heavily sanatized Proclaimers book and Faith in Action DVDs as suggested by STPW. Or they will take a look at the Watchtower Library, which goes back to 2000 or 1950 in the CDs.
What a witness is NOT going to do, is hop online to websites like this or JW facts, or read PDFs of the Watchtowers predicting Armageddon in 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975.
Think of how often the new Watchtowers talk about how Bible Students knew years in advance Jesus would arrive in 1914. How many times has someone in your hall raised their hand and corrected that Bible Students thought Jesus has arrived in 1874 and would bring armageddon in 1914? Thats no small thing to know about your own religion, but how many Witnesses know that? Maybe less than one percent.
How many times has the Watchtower admitted to having wrong "expectations". How many of your average witnesses know what those expectations were?
The WTBS has a ace up their sleeve. Its called laziness. Thats what makes the internet so dangerous to them. Because all it takes is 10 seconds to type "Jehovahs witnesses" in google and the jig is up.
bats in the belfry
Let's not forget the 'we will do it for you' quote: