Quotes to discourage JWs from researching WT history?

by JWOP 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • A.proclaimer

    The faith on action DVD is not so great for learning about the history of JWs. It's leaves out a lot of information. No mention of how they believed Christ came in 1874, how Barbour (an adventist) greatly influenced Russel, not much said about 1925, is biased in showing rutherford take the lead during the schism, no mention of 1975, other dates and previous teachings and doctrines. Rather it makes it seem like the "light gradually grew brighter" when really there were areas where it did and didn't. That DVD is the sugar coated history and barely scratches the surface. The Proclaimers book contains more information but it's really thick and not done in chronological order so it's rather confusing. plus I doubt many will take the time to actually read it from it's size. That thing is huge! But it does omit some information and minimizes certain events such as 1975. (They gave it a paragratwo or two, talking about it).

    Not many Jw's will actually take the time to bother knowing their history or read anything beyond what the Society says. Basically the only get the point of view they are feeding you (only the good). If you look at outside sources, it shows a bigger picture. One way I found about what truly happened in their history is through other websites such as Wikipedia. Although people say Wikipedia isn't very reliable, you can still look up the sources to confirm that facts. Theres a lot of documentation out there especially in older publications. Jwfacts does a great job at documenting changing doctrines and how it has developed to the ones known today. Before doing that, I hardly knew anything except what was told.

    Its interesting to see how they mention past discussions and books such as "millions now living will never die" and only mention parts that pertain to current doctrine (thus making it seem like that was the most important thing). In reality that booklet says much more such as the resurection of the princes in 1925 and how the old world "legally ended" in 1914 and was passing away while the new order was on it's way in. That's why it was said "millions now living will never die"

  • jwfacts

    They have written their own history, so a JW would say that it is ok to research their history. The point is, they constantly say not read information from apostates, which is basically saying, do not read other versions of our history, only our own, sanctioned, whitewashed version.

  • prologos

    EliJ,: Joseph im JW history? yes, and that is why

    there is a TRIBE of Joseph in Rev. 7: 1-8, and not everywhere.

    Joseph the Patron Saint(s) of the ostrisized, shunned, disfellowshipped ones.

    with a double portion.

    for what it's worth.

  • Phizzy

    When the Proclaimers book came out I recognised they were whitwashing, and trying to steer JW's away from apostate accusations, at the time I did not know what such accusations were, or that they were in the main true, so my correct assesment of the book alone was not enough to propel me out, sadly.

    The LDS church (Mormons) do the same thing, sanitize their history, so does a JW think he will learn the truth about LDS history purely by reading what they now publish on-line and elswhere ?

    Of course not. If a JW wishes to find out the truth about the history of the Organization he or she will have to go to external sources, the same as the Mormon would for his true church history.

  • blondie

    No tribe of Joseph but then Joseph received the double portion of a firstborn son after several of his older brothers disqualified themselves: 2 sons, Manasseh and Ephraim became 2 tribes.

  • eyeuse2badub

    They Who Write History Control History and thus Control the World

    The great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than purposely or consciously evil … therefore … they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. —Adolph Hitler

    “Those in power write the history, while those who suffer write the songs.”

    Frank Harte
  • eyeuse2badub

    Actually the "Proclamers" book helped me get started on the road to freedom. Reading about Russell's 'pyramid' belief, Rutherford's Beth Sarim and 'Millions Now Living" got me started doing 'independent' research which led me to sites such as this. Thank you "Proclaimers" book!


  • blondie

    First book I read was the Finished Mystery...I could not believe my Bible Student grandparents believed that stuff.

  • blondie

    How to Use This Index (1930-1985)

    In view of the many years covered, the material indexed some decades ago should be viewed in the light of Proverbs 4:18: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established."
  • eyeuse2badub

    As usual, Blondie finds the hidden treasures. TY Blondie.

    In April 1973, I attended one of the first 'Elders Schools' in Norco California. It was 2 very intense weeks of study, role playing, and general JW indoctrination. I remember clearly one of the sessions when we were talking about the history of the org. Most of us in the class were relatively young, 25-40, and not much interested in the history since Armagedon was so near. Anyway, Brother Dixon was our instructor and he made the comments that we should not encourage the brothers and sisters to be reading the older publications, i.e. Rutherfordian stuff. Didn't give it much thought then.


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