The absurdity of living forever on earth only becomes clear once you really think about it.
Of course everyone want their own panda bear for petting and fruit platters for a few years. I mean that might be nice for a decade or two, but after that?
I'd grow tired of the fruit buffets, the creepy smiling plastered on everyone's face, and the endless sunny days. How about a little variety? Am I going to be able to slaughter animals to eat meat once and awhile?
Will it ever snow again? How about a rainstorm? Or will it be sunny and 70 degrees forever?
And all of the prohibitions that I imagine will be carried over into the new casinos, no getting drunk, no oral?????? Or no sex at all as some WT publications have suggested?
No businesses. No football leagues. No TV. No internet I would suspect. How much free will is there going to be in this supposed paradise?
Add to that the lack of ambition that will permeate society, after all, there will always be tomorrow!
Why do anything if you will always have another day! Nothing will ever get done!