Question for people more intelligent than me

by Monsieur 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Monsieur

    Do we have CONCRETE evidence of how the pyramids at Giza were built?

    or is this still an unexplained 'mystery'?

    I've read that the stones used to build these things are monolithic?

    (on a side note, what about stonehenge?)

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    It definitely wasn't the RBC's work!!

  • confusedandalone

    "Question for people more intelligent than me"

    Well, I am out... lol

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    How would you have built them? Slave labour is a fantastic resource if you have access to it ...

    Also religious fervor is a great way of getting people to do dumb things.

    As for the mechanics of it, then earth works are built and then removed after if you havent invented cranes yet.

  • prologos

    dating shows that these structures were build during the time of the great flood, Noah et. al. so:

    water level were higher, they were floated into place.

    believe it or not: ripley.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We have concrete evidence that the pyramids are there. THey built them somehow. There is still some debate on how they were built:

    But there is less and less debate that the Egyptians could have done it. We don't need God's hand or ancient alien astronauts as conclusions to jump to.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    There are many megalitic sites on this planet and they are a mystery. Some people have ideas about how it was done but everytime i see one of those shows about "this is how they did it" they cheat and are only partially successful. They'll drive an already completed item on a truck and then try to drag it on some rollers for a short distance and claim victory. We don't really know the answers i think it's a big fat mystery.

  • Monsieur

    witness myfury, thanks for your response - i HAVE thought of this.

    the problem is that there is no recorded evidence (that i know of) that this is how it was done, with the earth works and all. I find it VERY strange that there is nothing recorded on these mechanics. Common sense would say that slaves were used, but again, there is no CONCRETE evidence. (please correct me if i'm wrong as i'm dying to rule out a very 'interesting' theory to say the least. )


    thanks too for your response.

    so...yes, we have evidence that the pyramids are there, no doubt that they exist. But why is there STILL a debate about how they were put there? Is it not incredibly odd that with all our advances in comprehension, we still do not have ABSOLUTE evidence of this? by the way, im not in any way suggesting aliens or gods are responsible.

  • Monsieur

    We don't really know the answers i think it's a big fat mystery.

    nancy drew,

    i've seen these shows too, more times than i'd care to admit. amazing isn't it? how structures built thousands of years ago are still puzzling the modern mind?

  • DesirousOfChange

    It definitely wasn't the RBC's work!!

    Obviously, because their projects all have to be remodeled/redone in 10 years or less.

    (Although they may have had one thing in common: slave labor.)


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