Letter I wrote to the person the caused me to be disfellowshipped

by jwfacts 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Snap! In his face for being a dibber dobber.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Great letter!!

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for posting the letter Paul, poor old Dwayne must have the old Cognitive Dissonance suddenly ramped up to screaming pitch. All the JW stock responses would flood in to his mind, but immediately he would see they simply do not apply.

    "Paul is just a bitter Apostate, er... well he does not sound bitter, but thankfull to me ?? still, I was doing Jehovah's will in being a despicable snitch about his Site to the Elders, er...but if it was Jehovah's will, how come it has caused thousands to leave ?? oh boy, my head hurts"

    Serves the bugger right. One day, hopefully, he will see the truth about his religion, and perhaps seek your forgiveness, I hope so.

    The little s**t who dobbed me in to the Elders is still in the religion, but I hope he stays there, we all know that being in is Purgatory, and he deserves it.

  • dozy

    Nice one Paul. I remember Simon (founder of this site ) saying something similar - that the vindictiveness with which he was pursued motivated him to produce and develop this forum. Because of both of your efforts , there must be thousands of people who would have otherwise stayed in.

  • AlphaMan


    Dwayne......thousands have now left the JW religion all because of YOU.

  • AnnOMaly

    LOL. Brilliant

  • mrquik

    Hi Paul; I know how you feel. I was disfellowshipped for ending a bad marriage. At the time, I had every intention of being reinstated. Being well known and an ex-elder, one of the elders in the JC wanted to make an example of me. The other two were close friends but absolutely spineless. After two years, I got sick of the charade & found your site. After that revelation, I bought & read Ray's book. That really opened my eyes & I never looked back. I'm happily married, have family home for Thanksgiving & am so glad that one elder had an axe to grind. So if any of you know Frank M., an elder with the Palmyra, NY congregation, thank him for me. He gave me my life back & I'm ever so thankful. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  • Junebuggie

    I never thought about writing a letter to my cousin who contaced the local Elders in my town. I was fading anyway, and intended to write a letter

    of dissasociation to them. I wasn't quite ready to do that when she "blew the whistle" but, am thankful that she did. I gave her plenty to think about

    in the letter to her; and leaving on my terms proved to me that the Organization didn't have the upper hand on me. It has been 13 years since I da'd, and I doubt

    a thank you note now would not get read & only get thrown in the trash with all the other "apostate" garbage she might have.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Post his email address here Paul , we'll ALL send him a thank you email!

  • PaintedToeNail


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