To the Clueless GB

by Farkel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Although your mentor Chuck Russell proclaimed that Jehovah God lived on a "planet" (hahahahahahaha!), namely Pleiades, modern astro-physics has shown he was quite insane. Religion since the time of earliest man and up until about the eighteenth century has proclaimed that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Just lie down on consecutive clear nights and watch the heavens. The stars all revolve around the Earth, right? The Earth must therefore be the center of the universe, right? Wrong! We all know that is wrong. Religion has been wrong about the nature of the Universe since the beginning of time. That says a LOT about religion. They can't even get the basics right, let alone the finer points.

    Science has shown that there is NO "center" of the Universe. So dear, drooling members of the Governing Body, I say this to you, "Since there is no center of the Universe, you CAN'T be THERE."

    So quit printing and selling your stupid books and magazines that say YOU and all your bullshit are at the center of the Universe and all the universal conflicts in the cosmos revolve around you. You (like us) are on the roller-coaster ride of life but you are not THE ride itself.

    If you can't understand this simple reasoning, then go fuck yourselves. Gawd knows, you probably need it.

    Farkel, amazed at the incredible arrogance of the WTS GB

  • Beans

    Perfectly put!


  • Solace

    and its always good to save the vulgar language for the end because putting it in the first sentence could cause them not to read the entire letter.
    Very well thought out.
    I hope its in the mail as we speak.

  • Farkel


    : and its always good to save the vulgar language for the end

    Vulgar people deserve vulgar language. The WTS has been responsible for the unneeded deaths, unneeded incarcerations and ruined lives of countless hundreds-of-thousands of people. Think about it: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE they've harmed and KILLED with claims of religious authority and God-directed nonsense.

    To use anything less than vulgar language about them would be a travesty of justice and an outrageous on simple human morality. I would consider it immoral to use anything less than that with regards to them. Vulgar language can be ignored. What the WTS has done is much more eggregious than simple foul words. It cannot be ignored.


  • Imbue

    Farkel, Don't you think that lurking dubs may hear you better if you left that language out?

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • Satanus

    Well put, apostle fark:) I'm going to start a bible filled with just you posts. It will be called 'the bible in livid english'.


  • Sunspot

    "What the WTS has done is much more eggregious than simple foul words. It cannot be ignored."

    Amen, Doug, AMEN!


    Annie (The "glad Farkel is still posting here" class)

  • Farkel

    : Farkel, Don't you think that lurking dubs may hear you better if you left that language out?

    They curse too. They are just hypocrits about it. I'm not.


  • gumby

    Farkel, Don't you think that lurking dubs may hear you better if you left that language out?

    Let's say lurking dubs do get out despite Farkles language....then what?

    Is it...OH BOY! THERE OUT!

    Then what? Why are you happy now?
    Perhaps they'll be atheist/agnostic,perhaps join another religion and be NEAR where they came from.

    Maybe they will be NOTHING and just plain people.

    What do you hope they will be?

    One thing for sure.....if the lurkers DO get out....then THEY can choose, and that's the difference.

    I can fully understand Farkles feelings.

    You'll never know till you go thru anything that has happened to him and other attrocities others have gone thru.

  • Farkel


    : I'm going to start a bible filled with just you posts. It will be called 'the bible in livid english'.

    That presupposes that I'm some livid psychopathic maniac. Oh, forget about that part! It might be true!

    How about "Watchtower Doctrines(tm) without all the bullshit?"

    Vulgar Class

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