How the HELL (lol) did this thread turn into one about profanity?
In my opinion, it's more about criminality!
Farkel is devastatingly correct when he states:
"The WTS has been responsible for the unneeded deaths, unneeded incarcerations and ruined lives of countless hundreds-of-thousands of people. Think about it: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE they've harmed and KILLED with claims of religious authority and God-directed nonsense."
But I gotta admit, Fark, you had me bursting out in laughter with these lines:
"Science has shown that there is NO 'center' of the Universe. So dear, drooling members of the Governing Body, I say this to you, 'Since there is no center of the Universe, you CAN'T be THERE.'"
Even when they weren't drooling, they weren't there. They were just all too willing to believe that SOMEHOW their exalted opinions of what the Bible meant and what everyone else should do actually was a communication from God Himself. (Larsguy, take note.) How terribly, awfully wrong they have been, at great cost to many, many fine people!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden