So I am at a loose end tonight. I am not going to the meeting and sitting on the back row looking repentant NO WAY!
Here are some options... Care to add some if you wish, help me to decide.
1. Go to the meeting and sit in the middle, reading "Einstein and Religion" paperback, go in early and stay after the prayer. Have a good old chit chat to anyone who will listen, especially new studies. Wind up Bro IamSoFullofMyself and his wife. Could be fun.
2. Go to my ex's meeting and sit next to my son because I miss him so much. (it could cause complicatons in court)
3. Come party on JWN. Join in a God's vs Atheist thread and wind up the Atheists, but Cofty, phizzy, cantleave have got onto me, only adam takes the bait now, but it's fun nonetheless
4. Stay at home alone and read "Einstein and Religion"
5. Stay at home alone and watch TV
6. Go to town to a club and pick up a man to commit adultery with
7. Go and find an evangeligal religion, that puts you in the shampoo positon to pray.
8. Or maybe you could ring or skype me, and we could have a drink together, and get to know each other better. PM me if you want to.
Those are my options I have thought of, can you add any or help me decide. Thanks Kate xx