Be honest. Am I an abusive Father??

by DATA-DOG 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gorgia2


    You probably already have, but perhaps apologize, once you're calm, and talk with your child about why you became so upset. You clearly feel rotten about your outburst, or else you wouldn't have posted. I remember how surly and ungrateful I was as a teenager and cringe at the parental karma coming my way.


  • quellycatface

    That's a bit much mate. But I know what it's like to speak in anger. Just go and apologise and keep reassuring your child that they are the best thing that has ever happened to you and your wife. Good work for sharing.

  • unstopableravens

    dog: im confused here ,if you want to come here and vent because you feel bad thats understandable. however im confused on how you ask if that was abuse or if your abusive. telling your child hes a speck of dirt to make him feel small and humilated is of course abusive. i dont think it beyond repair thou. we all stumble in tongue. and it can start a forest fire.(james2).i grew up with my dad talking down to me, and trust me it can effect a child big time, even if you cant see how it does man. im glad you are honest enough to talk abou it.

  • AnnOMaly

    'Speck of dirt' was a bit OTT, but I understand your frustration DD. All the hours wasted spent trying to drive home very basic, no-brainer points/ethics with a stubborn (yet intelligent), pre-teen then teen, with attitude, who refused to 'get it' and would ask the same questions which were already explained in great detail but nevertheless still wouldn't back down with good grace and just bleeping cooperate ...

    ... Mentally exhausting and exasperating. Sometimes we snap.

    I agree with Julia. They need to know they are not the center of the universe all the time. As long as we apologize to them when we screw up and praise/reward them when they do well, it'll all balance out in the end.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I dont know. When Alec Baldwin called his young daughter a "selfish little pig", did you think that was abusive?

    I guess if you regularly call your children demeaning names that would be abusive.

    If out of frustration it happened and is not something that happened before nor will happen again then it was a mistake and not abuse.

    If this scenario that you describe in your op happened then you owe your child a huge apology and explanation as to what and why you said what you said was wrong.

    And take the opportunity to teach your children that we all make mistakes, even parents, and we should learn from them and not repeat them. And also the importance and healing from a heartfelt apology and to try to be forgiving of others mistakes.


    Good morning everyone. I apologize, I could not get back to the computer last night to explain a few things. @ Lois Lane, I apologize for upsetting you. You have every right to be upset. @ Snare, your comment was dead-on. Everyone who said I was abusive was totally correct. A douche? Yes.

    Here is the truth. I NEVER said that. I would NEVER say that to my child. So Tec called it. What I said was a direct quote from the Circuit Assembly Symposium. This was one of the dumbest symposiums that I have heard yet. Now, during the symposium on Eve's pride. Keep in mind that just as in the case of the word"apostasy" the BORG have their own definition of pride. Pride is an inordinate view of oneself. Nevermind the other meanings, this one suits the BORG just fine. Anyhow, an Elder gives the following example.

    Back in 1894, there was a brother called "Pappy" Thorn. He was one of the first "Pilgrims", similar to a CO. He traveled all over helping people. Then he gets called back to HQ and put in charge of the Chicken House. You know what that entails... Chicken poop, butchering, ect. [ You would know that if you grew up on a farm.] Anyway, whenever Ol' Pappy would want to complain about his assignment, he would have a long talk with himself. He would say, " PAPPY..YOU are NOTHING but a piece of dirt! What do YOU have to be proud about?!? " The Elder went on to say, " What a beautiful attitiude to have about ourselves."

    WTH?? THAT, my friends, is abusive. That comes straight from the top. Nothing happens at a CA without approval from the top, and then from the DO and the CO. What if you have a complaint about the ORG, or an Elder, or Child abuse, or anything? What if you work hard and accomplish goals for yourself, how should you feel? How should your child feel about making achievements in life. How does MOTHER want you to view yourself? Just ask Ol' Pappy! Ironic coming from a humble "Slave", wouldn't you agree?

  • Fernando

    Caught us all napping there DD, and Tammy must have had her early morning coffee, run and shower...

  • wasblind

    Hello DATA DOG

    I know it can get rough bein' a parent

    There were times I got so mad , I had to go in my room and shut the door

    for both of our sake



    Sometimes we have to walk away to calm down

    if not, we'll say somethin' that we would surely regret



    Confidence starts at home. As parents it's on us to instill such

    let your child know that they are valid, more than a speck of dirt

    and that they have a right to voice thier concerns so it will give you

    the opportunity to address them



    Take care DATA, we all have days that don't shine so bright


  • wasblind

    Hello Tec,

    When I first read the OP I thought the same thing

    except, Unlike a parent the WTS don't provide for the physical needs of the sheep



    The WTS take, take , take

    Remind you that you have no validation, are speck of dirt and have no right to complain

    or question thier authority




  • stillin

    Good man, DD! I knew that you wouldn't explain yourself first before beating that kid! So, you learned to communicate from the Borg, ay?

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