So you are 'out' and the other in 'in'. Do they come home with the grumps after every meeting?
post meeting dirty moods.
by zeb 18 Replies latest social relationships
I always agreed that if you went to a meeting with a headache or something you felt better after the meeting was over. They pinned it on the loving atmosphere and holy spirit. Wasn't until later I realized it had nothing to do with that. Instead it was the relief that the frickin meeting was over.
I know when I was out and family was in, they would be all smiles when they came home. Had to put on a false front. I can tell because they were a lot more chipper than when I was actually going to meetings.
When mine first joined up he would come home in foul moods! I mean kick the dog type of mood which was so odd because he is by nature a very kind individual and usually so even keeled. It was quite frightening to me, not because he would do anything to anybody, just the profound personality change. Now, he comes home and you don't even know he has been. Though nobody discusses anything jw related with him so life goes on as if he only went to the store or something. Nobody talks much to him until he is out of his jw uniform either. I suppose in the beginning he could have been at his bible study and that person was very negative so it rubbed off or he was getting a hard time by not being able to bring in any of his family. Hard to say if it was regular meetings or the private one it was so long ago and I didn't quite understand all the different meetings going on.
Hubby comes home all preachy after the Sunday meeting. It wears off in a couple hours. The rest just elicit guilt before and after (not doing enough). Guilt might have something to do with the grouchiness.
"Winning without a word" frankly, does not work on determined spouses. We can see through the sham.
I stopped going to the mid-week meeting first because it made me so grumpy. I wouldn't get home until almost 10 and after going non-stop since 6am, I was tired and grumpy. I used to take my 6 year old with me and we would both be in such foul moods by the time we got home. I'm glad I decided that him going to bed at a decent time was more important than him sitting at the meeting coloring with crayons, so now neither of us go. And I love spending the evening on my couch in my pjs!
I can bearly remember what after meetings were like before I was marked and df'd. The back row was always filled with us df'd folk, so after the meeting, we would dine out, or be invited for a meal to someones home. After meetings were a great sociable time even my last meeting on the 24.11.13 we had great plans and enjoyed oursleves. Kate xx