1000 posts in 6 weeks - I have got a problem :(

by KateWild 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    Finding a resource on the WT life after so many years of,silence and forbidden knowledge is addictive, but keep in mind the years already lost to WT, no point leaving to spend the rest of your life talking about them...

    Enjoy your life, use the site for what it is, it is easy to use it as a crutch, thats fine at first but learn hop along in your oen life assp... We all get a bit hooked at first x

  • KateWild

    We all get a bit hooked at first x-snare

    Thanks for that, but now I know I have to take the next step. One step at a time. Sam xx


    outlaw, over 22000 posts, hhhmmm I think I am going to disagree, you are addicted I am afraid......Sam

    ......................................................That SOB made All Those Posts with only One Arm?!..


    ................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    One step at a time is a great idea.

  • WTWizard

    Not to worry--you are leaving a much worse problem. I remember a poster that tore through 10,000 posts in under 6 months only to disappear. And that was when the posting limit was 75 posts per 24 hour period. He often ran through his posting limit. This amounts to only 24 posts per day average.

    And, that is far less serious than the pious-sneer that needs to waste 840 hours a year in field circus (not including preparation time) plus go to all the boasting sessions. Not only they waste more time (and are hounded if they attempt to taper), but they waste money. Ever wonder how much you save by not having dry cleaning bills? Gas and vehicle wear and tear? Field circus items? Donations? That is where the problem is.

  • KateWild

    Thanks for minimising my issues WTWizard. You put things into perspective. I suppose 10 months is quick for a planned exit, I was 7 months Df'd and still fully in and believing. Then out 10 months later. I am still new to TTATT.

    I will be posting loads for the foreseebale future.

    Sam xx

  • tornapart

    At that rate you'll be on approx. 10,000 posts this time next year Sam LOL

  • KateWild

    LOL! Well that is one goal I will not be persuing, one I will be controlling possibly. Sam xx

  • Simon

    Welcome to the Hotel California

  • KateWild

    HAHA Simon, I love that song, it reminds me of my youth before the BOrg Sam xx

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