in what way do i not believe in my own gods judgment?
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you really believed in your god's judgement then you wouldn't be so desperate to judge people yourself, as I said your own book tells you not to do it. Your own book tells you that Jesus directly told you not to do it and yet here you are, showing a complete lack of empathy and love. I don't know if you remember that's the stuff he said was the most important thing about what he was preaching.
and yet, you never answered my question, if jesus said do not throw your pearls before swaine, how do you know who a swaine is? is calling someone a swaine judging? according o you it is. and how am i judging anyway, i have stated facts millions have died at the holocaust millions of babys have been aborted. where is the judging?
Judging is calling teen mothers who choose abortion murderers.
Funny how the logic works that banning abortion will not fix the problem, as peope will just get illegal abortions, yet the same people crow about how gun laws stop crime?
jgnat: teen "mothers" that abort hmmm how are they a mother if its not a life until it takes a breath. glad you see a preg teen is a mother before the baby is born.
Unstop - You have agreed that a mother has a right to choose a termination in the small percentage of cases where her life is endangered by an ectopic pregnancy.
Can you think of any other similar situations?
cofty: what do you think of my last post, i think we disussed the 1 % enough
Quibbling and ad-hominem. I'd like to see those supposedly representing life at it's highest to address the examples of legislation gone wrong. BU2B, I found the two nations who have made abortions absolutely illegal, and compared the horrible teen pregnancy rates in those countries. We're talking about one in four girls. Imagine a schoolyard near you and imagine one in four of those girls pregnant before she's nineteen. I don't think legalizing abortion itself is the solution, but rather rising prosperity and hope.
Ravens, do you truly represent the red end of this spectrum? Which color most closely represents your position?
(blue) Legal on request.
(green) Legal for rape, maternal life, health, mental health, socioeconomic factors, and/or fetal defects.
(yellow) Illegal with exception for rape, maternal life, health, fetal defects, and/or mental health.
(tan) Illegal with exception for rape, maternal life, health, and/or mental health.
(orange) Illegal with exception for maternal life, health, and/or mental health.
(red) Illegal with no exceptions.