Can't he understand that others do not share his views ? It is HIS truth. My aunt had a sad life. She married at sixteen b/c she was forced into mothering a large brood of younger siblings. Pregnancy followed. Her husband died in his twenties from tuberculosis. The familly is from a mining town. As the family gathered, my father declared, "Let the dead bury the dead," and went out in field service. His sister was about twenty-three. Imagine what the crowd thought of such actions. Yes, what a win friends and influence people. I am so embarassed. Witnesses must have some of the worst social skills in the world. They honestly did.
To talk that way to a grieving person is bullying. IMO. I don't believe they are bad people. They just don't understand the normal world. It was always so harsh. The funniest story here is when I read that Witnesses out in field service hunt for houses that they might want to live in after Armageddon. I never wanted Armageddon, let alone to find a house. Somehow I thought Jehovah would create nice new ones. Oh, it is so bad that it is so funny.