I realize unstop would like to nail me down on my stance, to shake me off the fence so to speak, but there's a reason I won't weigh in with an opinion. It's none of my business. I firmly believe the decision is between the mother and the doctor, and the doctor's ethical guidelines are sufficient. I don't want to be in the examination room.
I am reminded of a famous quote by our former Prime Minister. "There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." - PET 1967
At the same time, I think the teen pregnancy rate and the abortion rate in the US is shameful, and actions can be taken to reduce both. But it won't be through the measures ravens is offering. That has an epic fail rate.
Bring the teen pregnancy rate down and the abortion rate will correspondingly drop.
Remember the "tough on crime" era with Reagan? You know what it bought the US? The highest incarceration rate in the WORLD. Doen't that bring the US awfully close to a police state?