jgnat: i dont see any proff that he causes abortions. all i know is what that verse says about and knowing us from the embryo. i dont see anything that states any thing refering to him ending pregnacys.
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So, you think it's fine that God created us in such a way that many pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion?
lisa, am i ok? a mis carraige is not on puprose by any body. its a sad fact.
why that happens, is it because of sin? either way i dont see god aborting babys
He made us, no? He could control what happens. Either he made us that way, or allowed it to happen later. I am amazed that you get your undies in a bunch over women choosing to have an abortion, but are willing to give God a pass for the same thing.
It's hypocritical to me.
its not about god getting a pass or not. i cant spectulate as to why there are so many miscarraiges. but if we were to take your idea to a logical conclusion. why be upset at hilter, did god put ppl to death? if god can do it why cant hilter? that doesnt sound right does it?
Witness My Fury
USR when you think, do you hear a whisling noise like a breeze passing thru your ears?
wmf: sometimes it like a hurricane
wmf: the point is was making, now matter what happens in the supernatural relm, abortion is still wrong, just like its wrong what hilter did.
Witness My Fury
No shades of grey then, just black and white?
If pregnancy is so unbearably sacred at what point in your thinking is it ok to interfere with it? Contraception for instance?
We come back to "every sperm is sacred"... dont we?