There has to be a weighting of values, and I don't know you well enough. It's a deeply personal decision.
abortion vs holocaust
by unstopableravens 692 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Keep this line of thinking up, ravens, and I will make it my life's work to make sure your kind never get near a piece of legislation, ever.
Witness My Fury
If the choice of cutting your rope or her granddaughters rope in a life or death only choose one option, which one do you really think she would choose? There is in fact almost no choice at all because it is weighted 99.9% toward saving the granddaughter in the 1st place.
Does she have a right to? Rights go out the window in those scenarios, ... life or death situations rarely boil down to "rights".
So trying to link it to the "rights" of the unborn is pointless.
wmf: so its a matter of perspective? she values her granddaughter more than me. to her ,her granddaughter is more valuable. but does that mean she has more right to live?
jgnat: im glad i have motivated you, well my lifes work is not political, its spiritual. and to proclaim the gospel and speak up for the unborn
my lifes work is not political, its spiritual. and to proclaim the gospel and speak up for the unborn
and yet you have shown over the course of 32 pages that you refuse to honestly examine your own position.
So abortion is ok for financial reasons, gender reasons, or any reason up until the actual delivery of the "potential human"?
my lifes work is not political, its spiritual. and to proclaim the gospel and speak up for the unborn
But it is the already born who really need you!
What can you do - of practical value - for suffering, breathing young humans, who need your help? Can you make improving their lives your life's work? [Or are words ('speaking up') all you care to spare just now?]
or should I say "untermensch"?
cofty: no i have spend 32 pages discussing rare cases and correcting all the out of context comments about my comments. instead of the millions who die . there has been more focus on me than the real issue