Interesting changes for the 2014 service meeting...

by OneDayillBeFree 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OneDayillBeFree

    If you look at the first page of the Kingdom Ministry for December (Link here), read the talk entitled: "The Theocratic Ministry School for 2014"

    Here is a copy of what it says (bold & red mine)

    Talk by the school overseer. Using the Theocratic Ministry School instructions for 2014, discuss points needing emphasis locally. Explain that if the Bible reading consists of the opening chapters of a book, the brother caring for the highlights will no longer develop material from the “All Scripture” book. In addition, when Assignments No. 2 and No. 3 refer to paragraphs in the Reasoning or Insight books, only paragraphs that are indented are to be counted. Encourage all to be diligent in fulfilling their assignments, in participating during the Bible highlights, and in applying the suggestions given weekly from the Ministry School book.

    I can't help but feel like the heavy's in New York are starting to see that their "All Scripture" and "Reasoning" books are beginning to flicker with old light and are really contradicting the new light that's been bursting lately with the overlapping generations and the new new world translation. I have a feeling that the GB 2.0 are secretly (albeit a la new iphone leaks style) working on a new or upgraded version of those said books, ready to be released by next years convention or 2015's.

    I think they're trying to cover their asses more since right now when a witness knocks on an apostate's door, all they need to do is ask them to wip out their handy dandy reasoning book, open it to page 239 and read the brackets in the first paragraph about the term generation and they'd instantly plant a lil seed of doubt inside of them. I mean even my father who's an über dubbie elder approched me one day and told me how the reasoning book really needed an update!

    What do you guys think? This is all pure speculation but then again this site has had many speculations in the past that have ultimately turned out to be true.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Man, I just read everything I just wrote and boy do I come off a little douchey... So my bad. If it sounds that way to you, it wasn't my intention!

    It's been a rough week. Got a speeding ticket on my way to Sunday's meeting (I should've stayed home dammit!). And then the CO is about to visit. Elders wanna talk with me. Y'know, the usual shit.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Doesn't sound douchey to me. You are right, it does sound like they don't want people remembering the old light to clearly.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Thanks PaintedToeNail! I'm kinda worried about the lurkers that hang around here though... but eh, whatev's.

  • A.proclaimer

    I'm not surprised if they will make changes, it's expected that they will be coming out with new material and update old stuff. With all this "new light" and revisions, some of the information available is now invalid. So I agree that there will be new bookupcoming big soon. Probably all paperback since they're cutting down on costs. Might be thinner too judging from all the recent books.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Agreed A.proclaimer. Probably really dumb-downed too.

  • smiddy

    I think you have hit the nail on the head with this one . of course they have to distance themselves with printed material that is no longer " lite "new or old .

    They have to cover their asses somehow, and obliterating previous embarrassing published literature by the society is all they can do .

    But hey ,what they cant obliterate is whats on the internet , publications by the society going back to their foundation for all to see. exposing their lies deceptions , backflips , contradictions , re-writing their own history , and misleading information for all to see.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Only indented paragraphs? Wtf?

  • jonahstourguide


    It stops any who don't keep up with new light using p 234 first paragraph in rs book

    on explanation of last days. " and some of the generation alive then (1914) will also be

    on hand to witness its (wicked system of things) complete end in the "great tribulation.

    jtg its old light here but the first thing I looked for,,, lol.

  • DeWandelaar

    It was one of the reasons I started to doubt by the bucket load... one of the worst parts was the "Revelation Book" that got some sidenote papers in the KM with all the paragraphs that changed... Boy that looked stupid!

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