The school is boring as hell. Of course they have to keep changing it.
Interesting changes for the 2014 service meeting...
by OneDayillBeFree 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Lol OnTheWayOut.
@KateWild: Check your PM's!! lol
Interesting points being brought up. And it makes sense that they'd update their literature and whatnot. But I mean, that in itself is a problem.
If truth can withstand anything, If it never changes, then why does the watchtower's truth change so much??
Like the Bible. It's been what, 2000 years since it was written, and all through its plethora of translations, it's stayed relatively the same.
If the truth continuously changes, sometimes reverting back to a previous truth, and then back again just to have it dropped completely, then was it ever true to begin with?
Silly human organizations.
St George of England
Bible - Obsolete
At this point I would not be surprised if they just stop printing the SI and rs books altogether. With the added material in the revised NWT they could say it is no longer necessary to print those books. I have a feeling they will stop printing the Proclaimers book too.
But if I am wrong, expect a new RS book or SI book to be released at the 2014 convention, in softcover as already mentioned by another poster.
Im hoping that parents that get questioned on old light
will make sure they prepare ahead of time for the monday
nite family bible study. The whole issue needs to have the
Eyes of children with innocent and naive perspectives to take a look at them. What a beautiful wrap to this ni bb tmare cult if it all were brought
Down by a group of children who were just asking a few simple question..
The only way to 'update' the "Truth"(tm) is with truthier truth (aka nu lite). Everybody knows that.