Is RIDICULE acceptable in online debating?

by nicolaou 80 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nicolaou

    This topic was inspired by one of FHN's comments on the 'warzone' thread, so I'll just restate my post there . . .

    "I've been wondering for a while now if ridicule really is an unacceptable feature in debate - it certainly isn't a valid form of argumentation. The thing is, some individuals really DO come out with the most laughable nonsense and parade it as a serious proposition that merits attention.

    What am I supposed to do!?"

  • KateWild

    Not to newbies, if we have been posting for less than six months you cannot ridicule us no matter how ridiculous we sound. We are deprogramming aren't we?

    However if a most valuable poster, starts posting nonsense, that's just different, the newbie may ridicule.

    But we do have the guidlines, so let's stick to those.

    Sam xx


    Ave Caesar , morituri te salutant.

    Hail Caesar, those about to die salute you.

  • nicolaou

    Better get up to speed by April then Sam!

  • Caedes

    If you are online in a debate then prepare to strap on those big boy pants because someone is going to offend you eventually.

  • nicolaou

    Look at this image and try to be dispassionate about it. Is there any factual content there or just a series of groundless and ridiculous assertions? Of course Sam is right that we need to be gentle with newcomers - I remember what it was like for sure.

    But I've always said that ridiculing beliefs is not the same as ridiculing believers and I stand by that. I know that many believers will TAKE offense at my poking fun of their cherished beliefs, but surely that is their choice.

    Nic' - wanting to be sensitive but struggling lately . . .

  • cofty

    Bad ideas are fair game, but its important to avoid ridiculing individuals.

    We should have too much respect for people to agree with their superstitions or prejudices. I know I don't want to be wrong about things any longer than necessary.

    Sometimes insightful sarcasm is the right tool but Kate makes a good point that we should be cautious about who and when.

    Unfortunately people will take offense, maybe its a substitute for not having any answers.

    I tend to agree with Stephen Fry about taking offense...

  • KateWild

    Sometimes insightful sarcasm is the right tool but Kate makes a good point that we should be cautious about who and when.-cofty

    Well that is very humble of you to say so, but humility is a strange quality to aquire, as soon as you know you have it, you've lost it again. LOL!Sam xx

  • FadeToBlack

    That is going to be one of my favorite charts for a long time (maybe not so long given the GB's propensity to make stuff up). But seriously. That is just so pathetic. I would have just as much success convincing anyone with the tiniest bit of education that WWII 'evidently' ended in 1995. Why? Because the GB says so...

  • Phizzy

    I thoroughly agree that ridiculing an individual is wrong, but the ideas held by individuals are ripe for ridicule, if they are riduculous <---- the clue is in that last word.

    I do agree with Sam that we need to go gently with Newbies, a kindly but firm correction of faulty ideas is often more effective than ridicule.

    I know when I first found this site,I was kindly, but firmly, told by the estimable Caedes above, that I knew nothing about Evolution. Which was so true, as a born-in JW I had been shielded from exposure to Truth in its many forms, Scientific truth particularly.

    I also experienced fun being made of beliefs I held, I did not take this personally because it all seemed to be part of what this place was about, how could I view it as a personal attack, when all that was being lampooned were beliefs I held at the time? if the beliefs were true, they could take the ridicule, if not true, then they deserved it.

    The problem with some wilting violet types is they equate ridicule of their beliefs with an attack upon them, it is not so, they are free to change their beliefs, so their beliefs are not actually them.

    YES ! ridicule is fine, as long as it is not aimed at the person.

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