Goodbye and Thank You Jw Net (Last Post)

by Brother Mike 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother Mike
    Brother Mike

    I would like to thank everyone for the discussions that we've all had. After all of them I have realized, all of you have made me realized that after all of the stuff i have been through, I just need a good friend. And regardless of how hostile our discussion could get I have felt that you have all shared something with me that have helped me. Regardless of several views expressed I have decided to stay with what I believe and that is to put my full faith in Jehovah. I'm coming brothers and sisters!

    Goodbye Former Friends, Love Brother Michael.

  • snare&racket

    Please read: "Crisis of Conscience" by recent Gov Body Member R.Franz

    Bye buddy, have a good life x

  • ShirleyW

    Countdown as to how long this farewell lasts. The record here shows that the 99.9 percent of folks who write a post of "this is my last post" always for some reason come back.

  • LisaRose

    I am sorry to see you go, it's not often we get people who are willing to go through the gauntlet of the ex JWs by defending the Watchtower. I hope you learned a few things, and you are welcome to come back any time, at least by me. I hope you find the answers you seek, whatever they may be. I have been where you are now, so I understand what you are going through. Sometimes it is easier to go back to the familiar than face an uncertain future. I stayed in the religion for 30 years, clinging to it far longer than I should have. I am glad I left, but it's not for everyone.

    Lisa Rose

  • Splash

    God bless you Bro Mike.


  • whathappened

    We welcome all back here. This is a forum and not the Kingdom Hall, which does not like open discussion and forbids questions regarding their doctrine.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Mike, before you come back please read crisis of conscience. If after reading it you still feel the way you do, then so be it.

    And BTW, your behaviour that got you treated in such a "hostile" way wouldn't be accepted on any internet forum.

    Buh bye

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Good bye. You're welcome back anytime.

  • adamah

    Bro Mike said-

    Regardless of several views expressed I have decided to stay with what I believe and that is to put my full faith in Jehovah. I'm coming brothers and sisters!

    Lemme guess: you actually got RIed after all?

    Anyway, be sure to pass along our love from everyone here at JWN, the #1 apostate site in the World (and don't tell them where you've been, remember to delete your browser history, and if cornered, DENY, DENY, DENY, etc)!


  • snare&racket

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