Goodbye and Thank You Jw Net (Last Post)

by Brother Mike 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    While your away Bro.Mike please invest in "Captives of A Concept" a couple of bucks will save you a lifetime of misery , sorry to see you go.


  • Daniel1555

    Hi brother Mike

    I just read your last threads. I am sorry that you had to go through difficult times.

    I think most of us here are going or went through difficult times. Maybe those that are replying you in a very critical way experienced the most difficult times themselves.

    Sadly the core of all this distress is too often that the wt society orders to shun family members who couldn't agree with its teachings or that in life threatening situations blood, red and white blood cells, plasma and platelets need to be refused whereas most other blood products are allowed (which is not logical for me). There are even posters who lost a loved one because of this wt rule (not biblical rule because Jehovah and Jesus always allowed exceptions when life is in danger Lev. 17:15-16, Matth. 12).

    Anyway Michael, I wish you all the best and hope that you find true happiness also in your relationship with our creator.


  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Hey dude, for every hostile reaction you got there were at least equal if not MORE positive or at least factual replies. These are people taking time out of their day to answer YOUR questions. Try asking awkward questions at the KH and see how hostile it will get. I'm still in and I daren't ask the questions I want to ask. Bestof luck for the future matey.

  • yadda yadda 2
  • integ

    Your problem Mike is equating going back to God (Jehovah) with going back to the WTBS. The WTBS are NOT God's people.

    See how much they love you if you state you don't agree with everything they teach. Try it. Good luck.

    Read Crisis of Conscience if you have the guts.

    I don't think you do.

    You say you wanna go back to the "truth"? You can't handle the truth.

  • Lozhasleft

    They are not the truth. When they claim to be they call Christ a liar when he says very clearly in John 14:6 "I am THE TRUTH..." Think about it? It's to Christ you should be going, the one who really can offer you "life giving water" not a religion you've been called to "Get out of".

    Loz x

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Only skimmed over your topic and the comments but it is a similar situation like so many before you.

    There are some posters here who have a shocking disposition towards your loving brothers, but I can only wish that you get all that you deserve coming to you. I'll leave you to determine whether there may be any sarcasm intended as you seem to be aware of what that entails.

    Please remember me to the flock and pass on my love and let them know that I am thinking of them - though quite possibly not in a truly wholesome way.

    There will be more like you come this way and hopefully they will be a bit brighter.

    Cheeses - Amazed but not bewildered.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    STFU and GTFO

    (sorry, couldn't help myself... LOL)

  • lisavegas420

    My goodbye wish for you: I hope you find true friends that accept you for who you are. Friends that love you unconditionally. Friends that are there to just be quiet and listen when you need to talk. Friends that will hug you when you need a hug.

  • KateWild

    Bro Mike,

    Take your time in the cong, but if things don't go as you plan come back. You can always pop in for a little lurk now and then. Kate xx

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