Its great to hear from you again. If your even in the Denver area, send me a PM. I’d love to meet you. I just read your very first post. Sounds like you’ve had quite a life. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Hello, its good to be back, seriously!
by AllTimeJeff 54 Replies latest jw friends
Wow. I read that and felt like someone was in my head explaining what I felt and had been through. You don't know me but today you helped me make it through a really tough day
Thanks Jeff
JW GoneBad
Good to have you back AllTimeJeff. I've always enjoyed your input on different topics. Look forward to more.
Rufus T. Firefly
AllTimeJeff, check your private messages. ~ Rufus
Rufus T. Firefly
For some reason, I cannot send you the pm, Jeff. Message me, and I'll try to reply.
AllTimeJeff:- My life needs to be about other people, and getting outside myself. (so yeah, I go ahead and write yet ANOTHER existential post about me...
Jeff, this is what is good about connecting with other people. We all need to share our experiences with each other, open up to others and get some feedback. I love reading other's experiences, trials, difficulties and recovery. It is very encouraging because you know you're not alone. We are all struggling in our own way, even for those who have left it far behind in their past. Our past and the things we have been through make us who we are now. When we can read how others have coped, it helps a great deal!
I'm glad you're back, I really enjoy reading your posts.
Open mind
Well Daayyyuummm.
Until today I would have put you near the top of a short list of former JWNers who I thought got their shit together and moved on.
So on the one hand, I was very happy to see that you're back because I always really enjoyed your posts. On the other hand, I'm sorry you've been damaged so much that you felt it would be good to come back here for support and camraderie. (Hope that makes sense.)
Bottom line: We're here for you!
Hey, not sure what part of the country you're in, but if Flipper does his Lake Tahoe Apostafest again this summer, it's a really fun time.
Again, welcome back!
om -
Rufus, I PM'd you. You might be having browser issues. Browser compatability is the cause of all the worlds problems out side of JW's....
OM, in certain respects, I am doing very well. I haven't made friends easily, and that is a big issue with me. So, I don't know how else to address it except with people who will at least understand why. What you said makes sense, and I am grateful that I have made it this far. I am definitely not depressed like I was. Frankly, thats probably the reason why I am back here. I am sort of ready to really live, and that means just being who I am, recognizing where I come from, and stop being so damn judgemental about it all. :)
Glad you are back AllTimeJeff! I learned a lot from your earlier JWN posts.
Making friends is something I struggle with a lot. JW friends are like Ramen Noodle friends-- instant soup, just add water, stir and nuke it. Building lasting, trusting friendships takes time and effort.
Last year I went to my sister's mega church in a show of support when I visited her out of state here in the US. She had attended a meeting at the KH with me years earlier. I just sobbed. I didn't know what hit me. These people still had their faith in tact. They clearly felt safe and secure in their faith. I remember what that feels like, but it is gone. I'm glad I'm not in the JW bubble any more, but it can be lonely. The illusion of community in JWland is a powerful thing.
Everyone who is, or was, a JW is so different.
That is so true. I am constantly told by friends that I am incredibly unique. I have a large circle of friends, mostly from places that I have worked since leaving the religion, and we go out a lot. They love me, want me around and are very complimentary, with comments that I am the most honest and real person they have ever met, but also look on me as if I am a bit of an alien.
But if I had to explain what makes me different, I really have no idea what it is, or how to become normal.