Another pagan ritual JW's practice

by TR 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    I recieved this in an email this morning: Thanks, man. You know who you are!

    It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a
    month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month or what we know today as the honeymoon.


  • ianao

    Interesting tidbit there TR.

    hon·ey·moon (hn-mn)

    A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple.
    An early harmonious period in a relationship: The honeymoon between the new President and the press was soon over.
    v. intr. hon·ey·mooned, hon·ey·moon·ing, hon·ey·moons.
    To spend a honeymoon.

    VERY Interesting.

    Edited by - ianao on 13 February 2001 12:20:48

  • ianao

    more interesting stuff...

    Wedding Rings

    It is unknown when wedding rings were first worn. They were probably made of a strong metal, like iron so that it wouldn’t break easily which would have been a very bad omen. The ancient Romans believed that the vein in the third finger ran directly to the heart, so wearing the ring on that finger joined the couples hearts and destiny.

    Got this from

    Edited by - ianao on 13 February 2001 12:26:54

  • ianao

    More interesting info for any of you lukers out there. Don't really agree with their ideas re: Jesus Christ (they are forgetting about John's gospel), but interesting ideas nonetheless.

    Take a look and see why many folks enjoy giving their loved ones a valentine's gift.

  • eyes_opened

    Wow, had always wondered why it was called a honeymoon! That's very interesting. Thanks for posting.

    But reading it also ticks me off. It's so infuriating the way the GB dictates the customs that their followers are allowed to observe and those that they aren't when nearly everything we do today has roots somewhere in the past and no doubt has *pagan* origins...such as a honeymoon, wedding rings etc. Would be very interesting to do some research and find out what other everyday things that JWs do and wear as a matter of course, that might have their beginnings with those that the GB would consider pagan


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • ChuckD

    Don't forget the "Information Board" in the Kingdom Hall; it was never a "Bulletin Board" since that word supposedly comes from Papal Bull (or decree).

  • RR

    How about the dats of the week and the months of the year, ALL named after pagan gods, if the Society really wanted to separate themselves from paganizm, why nopt desposed of the months and days in their literature and calenders?

    There is a group similar to the Witnesses, who are more extreme on paganism then the Society, they published their calanders as "day one" "day two" "first month" etc.

    Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.

  • eyes_opened

    Found an interesting page.

    Have no idea who The Worldwide Church of God is, but I think that they make some good points here on this page...especially at the end where the writer says:

    Paganism is an emotion-laden subject. Conservative Christians have a history of being dogmatic, legalistic, and of misusing the Scriptures when we argue our point. With that history, of course, it is impossible to discuss this subject without somebody disagreeing. Each person thinks himself to be properly balanced -- but each person's balance point is different. Equally sincere people draw lines in different places. What then are we to do?

    Should the church legislate about which practices are OK and which are not? That is not our commission. We are not in the Talmud business. Each Christian should draw his or her own lines, and be tolerant of those who draw different lines. Do not judge your brother, Paul says (Romans 14:5-13). That is one of the most difficult commandments in the entire Bible!

    No one has to participate in Christmas or Easter, but we should not condemn those who do. Just as in the matter of makeup and birthdays, some will do it one way and some will do it another. Whether you participate or whether you abstain, do it all to the Lord, and let him be the judge. This is the Christian approach to the cultural situation today.

    Sounds like a rather balanced outlook on life

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • RR

    The Worldwide Church of God was one of those groups that were mentioned under the same breath as the Society under the banner of cult and brainwashing. It was started by Herbert Armstrong in the 1930s who was influenced by the writings of Russell and the adventist.

    After his death in the mid 1980s, it didn't take long for a father anfd son team, Joseph Tkach and his son who succeeded him Jospeh Jr. to turn this worldwide "cult" into an mainstream church, having accepted the teachings of christendom [trinity, hellfire, immortal soul, etc.] and having lost most of its membership in a big exodus which caused several splinter groups who hold faithful to Herbert Armstrongs theology.

    They had to sell some of their property, closed down universities, etc because of lack of funds. Today, they are a member of the National Association of Evangelicals, and their names have been removed from the cults list and books such as "Kingdom of the Cults" by the late Walter R. Martin.

    Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.

  • eyes_opened

    Thanks RR!

    had never heard of them before :) Just did a search at google for "pagan rituals" and that page came up. Yikes! an offshoot of the witnesses? run away! run away! I am definitely not looking to join another group of any kind right now. Trying to get over the damage the other one has done.

    Thanks again for the info.

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

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