Is life really better out of the org?

by sleepy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    It strikes me that as witnesses most can find many faults with the world and reasons why they want to be no part of it.
    Things are often exagerated or demonised in the witneses eyes.
    Does the same thing happen in reverse when you leave the org?
    Do we blow things up out of proportion to how they really are?
    Are we really that much happier as people than we were in the org?
    Is the witness way of life really that bad?
    Or is it just a simple matter of one way of life being based on a false hope, that is in fact no worse a life than that of most people in the world?

    Maybe some are happier with a hope no matter how false.
    Do this overrule the benifits of knowing the truth about the truth?
    If some one is really happy as a witness should we shatter their dreams?

    I know how I feel , but I'll leave that for latter.

  • Naeblis

    Happiness depends on what you do with your life, not on where you spend Thursday nights. People who leave the Watchtower and then expect a world wide playground where everything they ever wanted is now available to them are in for a rough surprise. Happiness depends on your actions and what you are willing to do to achieve it.

  • Leander

    I kinda agree with Naeblis. I've known quite a few sisters who wanted to get married to be happy and live out their dreams. But the reality is that if you're not happy as a single person then chances are you won't be a happy married person either. The same thing basically applies to the WTS in a sense. Of course one of the major differences is that once you're free from the WTS oppression there are'nt as many barriers, but again that does'nt automatically translate into happiness.

  • lydia

    - is what you get when you do things for others that are not done due to some external pressures put on you!

    I feel that I am not blowing things out of proportions
    - but that the things I do for others no is done for no ulterior motives( gaining a Study ect)
    they are done because I choose to do the stuff.

    That is called doing things because of free will

    - not because I am afraid of what may or may not
    happen to me from the Society....
    I do things that I lve to do now - and was forbidden to do in the BORG.. such as have family gatherings and celebrations - such was always done with overtones in the borg - Of the "conditional Love syndrome" that they invoke at all things ( you can't invite them..they are "bad associations"..)

    Just my thoughts...
    In Peace..

  • borgfree

    It also depends on what you believe the future holds and your spiritual beliefs. If you believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way, then the JWs are headed for eternal separation from God, whatever that may be.

    If however you do not have any belief in God, then if the JWs enjoy their life in a lying organization, then let them enjoy what they want.


    "You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." -Ziggy
  • Naeblis

    A lot of people that have spent many years in the watchtower aren't emotionally prepared for their lives without it. They've spent all their lives hearing how the world and the people in it are evil that as soon as something bad happens to them, warning alarms go off in their heads. Life isn't always happy?? The watchtower must have been right!!! Met a person that treated me bad?? Everyone in the world must be evil!! It takes a long time to completely remove the emotional and mental screwing that has been done with our heads. THis is a big reason why so many who leave go back, even though they know that it cannot possibly be the truth.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Sleepy, it depends on what kind of life your talking about. There are 6 million who enjoy the lifestyle of the org. This structured lifestyle has no personality, it's robotic. These people prefer others to make decisions for them. Under such an arrangement how can people grow mentally and emotionally? You can't grow if your stymied. Are these people under the impression that others who think for them such as the org. frees them from personal responsibilty?

    Has my life been better after leaving the org? Yes. But it wasn't without effort on my part.

    Guest 77

  • garybuss


    It would be like suggesting that to have a satisfactory diet and eating life one would always need to be "full". Happy is the full of eating.

    A more objective approach would to be to examine comfortable. Am I comfortable now? Yes! Was I comfortable as a practicing Witness?
    No! I did not like the rote rituals nor did I like having to silently witness children being hit, pinched, and poked and worse.

    Or satisfaction. Can I experience satisfaction now? Yes! Was I satisfied as a practicing Witness? No! Things like relaxation, hobbies, and trips were deferred to some abstract future date while I lived in the shadow of impending doom.

    Am I honest and ethical now? Yes! Was I honest and ethical as a practicing Witness? No! I solicited funds for the group leaders while trying to hide who I represented. I used unethical recruiting practices such as withholding my identity or my affiliation as well as certain important facts from new recruits.

    So, in my opinion, it is more objective to ask, Was I more comfortable, satisfied, and ethical as a practicing Witness?

    Thanks for the posts, Happy spring.
    Life is better!



  • sleepy

    Yes I agree with most of your replies.
    It shouldn't all focus on happiness.
    Satisfaction and contentment along with a host of other things matter to humans.
    If you are constanly fighting against your true self you can never be truly content and satisfied.

    Also your mental level will play a part in whether you are happy or satisfied as a person.A child can be happy doing far different things than a mature adult would need.
    As we as humans are mentally on many different levels different things will make us satisfied.
    It may be that some witnesses are just not mentally developed enought to be happy outside of the org.While others start off in the org happy but then as they learn more and become more mature things start to irritate them , making them unhappy.

    The more you believe the witnesses idealology is true the happier you will be , the more you see the cracks the worse it is.

  • 2SYN

    Yeah, some people just become institutionalized after a while, and can't cope with life outside the Tower. It's like those people who stay in prison for 60 years, and when they come out, they simply can't cope with the enormously fast-paced life around them. Hell, I know someone who was in prison for a mere 10 years, and when he came out, he had a hard time just getting his life back together. It was SO funny when he saw one of the new VW Beetles drive past, and he was like, "WTF is that????". But sad at the same time, because he had virtually no idea of the world we live in now, as contrasted to the one he left in 1991. He got left pretty far behind, but luckily he is a fighter by nature, so he's managing now, with a bit of help from me

    But hey, if spending half your life slaving away for a supposedly "non-profit" book publishing BOrganization is your idea of a good life, then it's all yours, baby. Enjoy it while you can still walk and are in good standing, because the moment you become old, infirm, and inactive, you disappear from your chosen Congregation's radar. Welcome to the REAL LIFE, suckers!

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

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