Humility? Screw Humility.......

by AllTimeJeff 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Podobear

    Hear Hear... Willam

  • LivingTheDream


    Such sad and yet true words you spoke: "I find myself actually caring about people now..."

    It's frightening to belong to a group your whole life that claims itself to be the "true religion" with "true Christians" that have "brotherly love" and a "spiritual paradise" yet come to realize in middle age that you never really gave a damn about people at all. Not really.

    It was only once I freed my mind from the Watchtower nonsense that I could say what you said: "I find myself actually caring about people now..."

    And yes AllTimeJeff, I try to say that with "real humility", acknowledging that I was at one time one of those "arrogant pricks" myself...

    I still have lots to learn though on how to actually behave, but at least I'm on a better path...

    Brock Talon

  • Emery

    Great post and I enjoy the way you express yourself.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Like most positive qualities, some have humility, and others don't. Ben Franklin in his autobiography famously stopped pursuing humility (after a friend said he should have that as his 13th quality to inculcate into his personality) because he wasn't interested in it. I suppose that since he was Ben freaking Franklin, he might have been one of the few people to get away with not having to pursue it.

    Where low self esteem and arrogance end, and real humility begins, is something each of us have to figure out for ourselves. Know this, it has nothing to do with hating yourself, low self esteem, beating yourself up.....

    .....or the opposites of that, arrogance, wanting/needing to fight for your arguements beyond a reasonable period of time, thinking that previous accomplishments = your superiority.....

    Should be a fun lifelong pursuit for me. I'd like to beat Ben Franklin at something..... ;)

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