Christmas - love it or leave it?

by Xanthippe 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Another xmas lover here.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Love it. This is the first year we are celebrating as a family. We got the tree after Thanksgiving. Decorated it and all. If it wasn’t for our 2 little ones, I doubt the misses and I would go through much effort. I also put up Christmas lights for the first time. I had an elder call and leave a voicemail asking me to call him back. I still haven’t. I think someone saw the lights and turned us

  • Xanthippe

    Dazed have a lovely first Christmas with your little ones

    Our first Christmas we bought each other lots of little presents, mainly chocolate bars and second-hand books. After we'd opened everthing on Xmas morning we couldn't find the cat. Finally we realised she'd exhausted herself chasing wrapping paper and ribbon and fallen asleep under a heap of paper. Happy memories.

  • LivingTheDream

    Love it!

  • LisaRose

    I am into it, I love to bake and decorate, so that is fun. We still get a real tree, but we will probably make the switch to fake in the next few years. I just love the smell and feel of a real tree, although the fake ones look pretty good these days. We have some nice ornaments, it's a lot of fun to decorate the tree, we are doing that tomorrow. I made my own cards this year, I do a lot of crafting in my business, so I enjoy that kind of thing.

    We are not as much into the present buying, but we do get some. I am all done except for my husband, he is very hard to buy for. He actually ordered two shirts for himself and his brother, he wants me to pick one for him, wrap it up and give it to him for Christmas and wrap the other for him to give to his brother. It's like, what is the point? I guess he is afraid I will buy something he doesn't want. He kind of wants me to pick my own gift too. I hate that, I would rather see what he comes up with. Or he will put my gift into a box and make me it wrap it up, because "you are so good at it". Really, are you sure it's not just because you don't like wrapping gifts? Lol.

    I do quite a bit on Amazon. It's great for my family that lives out of state. They already have all my addresses and CC on file, I can get those things that they specifically asked for without running all over town, they even gift wrap, and I don't have to go to the post office.

  • Tiktaalik

    I love saying it, so: Merry Christmas to you all!!

    Lovely story about the holly tree, Xanthippe.

  • LogCon

    Just the thought of Christmas makes me sick. One workmate talks about nothing else for the whole month of December. I told him I would like to drive a knife into the heart of Christmas and kick it over a cliff. I wish I had a picture of the look he gave me.

    I believe that their is a spirit realm, a creator if you will, that looks down on the celebration with anger and I can understand why.

    It's like the world is in the controlling hands of evil children. Self gratification rules as King. Everyone most want it all and they want it all NOW!

  • rebel8

    I'm an atheist and I absolutely love this holiday. My decor is nature-themed--no angels, etc. The season of light.

    I started a tradition of xmas stockings and we pick one silly/small gift out of it for 7 nights before xmas. Little surprises to brighten your day.

    I love the foods and giving gifts.

    I'm totally into xmas movies for some reason and am glued to the Lifetime Channel from Thanksgiving through xmas.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Leave it. It's money I don't have to spend. I've lived my whole adult life without decorations and trees so I can live without it now. I'm happy to hang with with my family, exchange gifts and eat lots, but I'll leave all the commericalism to other people.

  • SloppyJoe

    Celebrating for the first time ever this year.....LOVE IT

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