Is there anything the WTS could say that would NOT be accepted as fact?

by Faithful Witness 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    This is a follow-up from the recent thread from ADJUSTMENTS, addressing the mind control and manipulation the WTS uses to threaten the JW's into unquestioning submission.

    Is there any statemtent they could make, that people would not question? Honestly, if you read their study articles, it is unbelievable what the people will listen to, swallow as "truth," and then regurgitate to others, as if it has always been their belief.

    We visited a local KH for the September 8 & 15 lessons on new light. The reader on stage was shifting in his chair, as if he was getting ready to jump up for some reason. The repetition of phrases like, "jehovah will unite us" and "we must stick together on this," was blatant and elicited no reaction from the audience.

    Seriously, is it even possible at this point, for the WTS to do or say anything wrong? I can see people getting ready to follow instructions, and they probably won't even get any resistance.

  • Phizzy

    If they have swallowed the latest total manure that has been produced in the last two or three years, and particularly this latest nonsense about the FDS, then they will swallow anything.

    I was always one that questioned what they said, but not with sufficient vigour or I would have got out years before I did.

    But I was a rarity in those days, very few thought at all, let alone deeply, about what they were being taught.

    Now today, with the tightening of control, and at the first hint of a question the threat of being labelled "Apostate", it is highly unlikely that the WT will be called on anything they publish.

    The Writing Dept boys must have some real fun, I bet they even have a competion amongst themselves to see who can slip in the most outrageous nonsense and get away with it.

    We had a similar one in my old Congo at one time, a few of us trouble makers used to see who could slip some nonsense in to an answer and just get a nod of approval from the home-schooled , Window Washer Elder taking the Meeting. It made the Meetings slightly less boring.

    Is there anything the WTS could say..
    That would NOT be Accepted as Fact?


    ...................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • bohm

    Phizzy: We had a similar one in my old Congo at one time, a few of us trouble makers used to see who could slip some nonsense in to an answer and just get a nod of approval from the home-schooled , Window Washer Elder taking the Meeting. It made the Meetings slightly less boring.

    lol, I need examples of this!

  • clarity

    Well, I bet if they called off the whole "this generation will not die"

    thing, and pushed it way out to sometime in the future ....maybe

    changing it to being "two generations"...well ...that wou l d j u s t ... oh wait....

    they already did that! S!it!!!


    I think honestly, that if they were primed a bit more & told to

    litterally drink the cool-aid ... 60% would!



  • Phizzy

    Hey BOHM ! I cannot remember exact details, but one of the clever ones, not by me but another joker, was saying that the word Calypso was related to a Greek word used in Revelation, (we were studying the Rev Climax book at the time) and therefore it is probable that the early Christians spread their Good News by song !

    He got a glazed look from the Elder taking the meeting, this Elder was known never to even read the study material before taking the group, so he wasn't sure if this gem was about to pop up in a footnote or something on the next page, of course it didn't.

    I can't actually remember the ones I did, they weren't as subtle as the above I reckon. One thing I did do not long before I left, was slip in a comment about the WT's membership of the U.N, which of course was factual.

  • bohm

    Phizzy: lol, poor elder!

  • Mum

    Obedience is doing what you're told, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. JW's learn how to obey, not to think.

    Integrity is doing what is right, regardless of what you're told. JW's have no understanding of true integrity, though they used to throw the word around a lot.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    If you smell shit check your top lip.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    The dude that wrote relelations did some really bad acid.

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