If they have swallowed the latest total manure that has been produced in the last two or three years, and particularly this latest nonsense about the FDS, then they will swallow anything.
Judging by the recent posts listing all the New Members to this forum there are quite a few who are finally questioning this BS. Even "still in" loyal JDubs are rolling their eyes over the Overlap Lite. Many realize it is BS but they are not will to rock the boat. But they clearly demonstrate by their (in)actions that they really no longer believe it. They are living life to the fullest. Here, quite a few have defied the ban on education and their kids are getting degrees. Nursing. Teaching. Lots of Associate Degrees (which aren't really worth much) but they are a start in the right direction -- towards a Bachelors.
Many young JWs are about as serious about the JW religion as many Catholics are Catholics. Most couldn't begin to have a serious discussion on doctrine.