I swear that whole "new personality" thing, and the idea that our true home is in heaven, comes straight from the greek philosophers. They saw true life as being harmonious, mathematical, perfect. Any anomalies were part of the imperfect earth. Paul (whom I swear had some greek education) encouraged Christians to anticipate their perfect, new home to come and that this earth is merely a shadow (Plato). Witnesses transferred this concept to a perfect earth, of course, where lions, tigers and bears are transformed in to cuddle creatures.
I've embraced our earthy nature and all the imperfections that come with that. Never a Witness, but my natural personality was beat out of me by my ex-husband. After I left him, I had a crisis of identity, feeling like a series of masks with nothing left behind it. It was a slow rebuilding process where I got in touch with my true emotions, my interests, what I liked and disliked, who I am. I had a similar but a less drastic crisis of identity when my children were grown. I'd subsumed my interests for a time while I poured all I was in to raising my children.
So, because of my history, I celebrate being real. It's a gift when you have it. Which is why I am convinced that everyone has a natural identity, no matter how they were raised.
I think this rebuilding of identity is separate from whatever moral foundation you have set up. Though this can be personalized too.