Have the atheists been sending around a collection plate to get advertising for their religion?
by ablebodiedman 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Have the atheists been sending around a collection plate to get advertising for their religion?
They are even quoting their own scripture:
Jenn 13:1
Praying won't help. Doing will.
The irony (which must elude the actual atheists) is very entertaining.
one day every tounge will confess jesus is lord, including all atheist
There is nothing at all about collections in the advert.
Why did you feel the need to make a deliberately misleading thread? I thought you viewed truthfulness as a virtue.
one day every tounge will confess jesus is lord, including all atheist
He is a pile of dust in a long-forgotten tomb in Palestine.
This is almost too easy. I wish you would at least TRY. I almost feel insulted at this.
And where to start? The ploy of advertising (Jenn 13:1 isn't particularly clever)? Use of language (atheism, by definition, has no religion)? Maybe I attack the abstract idea that as atheists we accept our own stance with our own consequences and thus do not require a collection plate... in concept? Charity at times, help needed, yes... but help is not entitled nor required. Where to begin with all this?
I do not know.
I do know that, just because one believes something doesn't mean it is true. There are supposedly no atheists in foxholes, but if there were a god, there should be no foxholes to begin with. It may be said that 'every tongue will praise him', but it doesn't mean it will happen... and it shouldn't be a requirement for the great lord on high anyway...
...nor should it be any of your concern.
Atheists are not out to get you or your money. But please, play into the 'spiritual war' panic that seems to be making all your religions financially bloated, tight at the seams. I'm sure the “I'm right, you're wrong, and that is that” closed-minded arrogant parade works well with the humility that is so often taught, yet rarely seen.
one day every tounge will confess jesus is lord, including all atheist
Ha Ha, I think not, the Jesus myth will eventually be treated as seriously as the Greek and Roman gods.
ABM said-
Have the atheists been sending around a collection plate to get advertising for their religion?
So atheism is not a religion, just like not collecting stamps is not a hobby.
By definition, a religion requires having a deity to worship, and that's extremely hard for atheists to do, since we don't believe in God(s).
That shouldn't be too hard to grasp, eg you don't believe in Ahuru Mazda and Zeus, right? So you're actually an atheist for the Gods of Zoroasterianism and ancient Greeks, plus all the rest of the World's religions (eg Shintoist, Hindu, blah, blah, etc). I'm an atheist for just one more God than you, that's all, since I don't believe in the Abrahamic God, Jehovah.
ABM said- The irony (which must elude the actual atheists) is very entertaining.
OR, the perceived irony must only exist in your mind?
Funny, as that's kinda the point of believing in ANY invisible Gods, which no one else but the believers claim to 'feel the presence of' (and even there, none of them can agree on the traits of their God(s): one might almost think it's actually all in their minds?)
an able body without an able mind...
The first post seems dishonest to me.
I thought we were past evangelizing to each other.
Well, it takes a lot of money to run an advertisement so unless it was donated by an individual then it must be a collective who are attempting to finance this.
Atheists do worship a god.
They themselves imagine they know the answers and can even make them up on the fly!
It is THE original sin:
Genesis 3:5
For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad."
HHHHmmm yes.
Is that not the intent of an atheist who wants to advertise their religion.
To persuade others to their point of view (aka evangelism).
Perhaps they believe they may get comfort with a larger consensus.
Then they could start voting for what they want the truth to be.