ABM said-
Atheists do worship a god. They themselves imagine they know the answers and can even make them up on the fly!
It is THE original sin:
Genesis 3:5
For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad."
Uh, God himself acknowledged humankind HAD become "like Gods" after eating the forbidden fruit, where their eyes HAD been opened, and they gained insight into knowing good from bad (AKA having a moral sense).
But that begs the question:
How did Adam and Eve know that disobeying God was wrong BEFORE they ate the fruit that granted the eater the wisdom to discern good from bad?
See the problem with the storyline?
And if it's a sin to use one's morality, then EVERY human alive is in deep doo-doo, too, including Xians, for they go on and on about how man's moral compass is "flawed" and cannot be trusted, but then how did you make the determination that your own moral compass is not to be trusted, and God's moral sense IS in fact trust-worthy without relying on your same admittedly "flawed" sense of morality?
Could you be wrong about God possessing superior moral character, since you had to make that determination by relying on your own moral compass (the one which you claim cannot be trusted)?