My Mom Wanted To Know If I Would Ever Consider Going Back.... Guess what I said....

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus


  • Phizzy

    This is something that I have had to answer on occasion, and I try to do it in a kindly way.

    A "sister" I spoke to a while back asked "Shall we see you both again sometime ?", I replied "I hope we shall meet again J*****, but not ever in a KIngdom Hall".

    A Bro I spoke to a couple of weeks back said "All the people at the K.H still miss you both", I replied that we missed those same people too, but they were not the reason we left.

    They never pursue the question further, out of fear. How frail their faith is !

  • notjustyet

    I was told by a nice brother that they missed seeing us at the KH, I mentioned that there pics of us on Facebook if interested.


  • OnTheWayOut

    In my line of business, there are occasionally cameras on scene and reporters that don't want to stick with the official channels.

    They may ask me or a coworker about what happened. The correct answer is "NO COMMENT." Any other answer can lead to them using your words out of context. (I have no official comment, but.....)

    I would say the same is true with such loaded questions from a JW about coming back.

    The one way to avoid them using anything you say on camera is to say "No fuxxxing comment." That probably isn't a good idea with answering your mother about coming back.

  • Iamallcool

    I will never say "NEVER" to my parents. I agree with "No Comment".

  • KateWild

    LOL! So all in all, a productive succinct conversation. Kate xx

  • blondie

    I used to ask "Do you really want to know the answer?" Never had anybody say yes

  • Adiva



  • peggy

    I am just waiting for someone to ask me, "why did you leave the organization"? My question back "why do you stay"? Peg

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    When the ties are cut...HELL TO THE NO!

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