My Mom Wanted To Know If I Would Ever Consider Going Back.... Guess what I said....
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
This is something that I have had to answer on occasion, and I try to do it in a kindly way.
A "sister" I spoke to a while back asked "Shall we see you both again sometime ?", I replied "I hope we shall meet again J*****, but not ever in a KIngdom Hall".
A Bro I spoke to a couple of weeks back said "All the people at the K.H still miss you both", I replied that we missed those same people too, but they were not the reason we left.
They never pursue the question further, out of fear. How frail their faith is !
I was told by a nice brother that they missed seeing us at the KH, I mentioned that there pics of us on Facebook if interested.
In my line of business, there are occasionally cameras on scene and reporters that don't want to stick with the official channels.
They may ask me or a coworker about what happened. The correct answer is "NO COMMENT." Any other answer can lead to them using your words out of context. (I have no official comment, but.....)
I would say the same is true with such loaded questions from a JW about coming back.
The one way to avoid them using anything you say on camera is to say "No fuxxxing comment." That probably isn't a good idea with answering your mother about coming back.
I will never say "NEVER" to my parents. I agree with "No Comment".
LOL! So all in all, a productive succinct conversation. Kate xx
I used to ask "Do you really want to know the answer?" Never had anybody say yes
I am just waiting for someone to ask me, "why did you leave the organization"? My question back "why do you stay"? Peg
Separation of Powers
When the ties are cut...HELL TO THE NO!