My Mom Wanted To Know If I Would Ever Consider Going Back.... Guess what I said....

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • 3rdgen

    I have responded: "As soon as the WTS pays back the the money they owe my mother".

  • BackseatDevil

    I've been telling my mom i'm not going back for 15 f**king years are that glassy-eyed s**ty b**ch STILL won't get it through her g**d**m f**king mind and pulls some pretty c**ty moves TO THIS DAY.

    If "NEVER" was all you had to say and it worked for you, the I find that reason to CELEBRATE. Me, I'm open for suggestions. Open drug use and posting pics of my penis doesn't seem to be getting the point across.

  • Rattigan350

    Their concern about going back is about a social thing. The social thing would be fine if they would get rid of the 2 hours of religion.

  • besty

    Here are my list of requests before I would consider JW's as a religious choice

    1 - stop protecting pedofiles and start mandatory reporting to police of all allegations

    2 - stop advocating medical suicide

    3 - stop emotional blackmail via extreme shunning

    4 - start advocating education for children

    5 - start being honest about their doctrine

    6 - start paying tax

    Once they have done all that I would consider going back - it would be a brief consideration, but I would consider it :-)

  • Phizzy

    If they did all that Besty, I would think long and hard, for about 2 seconds, and say "Nah".

    No religion, however benign seeming will entrap me again.

    "Fool me once, shame on you , fool me twice .........".

    Mind you, if they did all that they would find it a lot easier to make converts, but would lose the old Guard.

  • minimus

    yeah, i have zero interest in that religion.

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