I was the go to guy for a last minute demonstration or to deliver a service meeting part on little notice. Normally it should have helped me build self confidence in my abilities to speak publicly, especially for a high school drop out (1975 was just around the corner). But as the very humble JW I was, all the credit was given to Jehovah's spririt and the wonderful training I received from his organization. Today I realize that I could have received the same training if I had pursued my education for a few years instead of having to spend a life time for an "education" that will never provide a certificate or diploma....I too believed that reading the WT publications was as valuable as a university education and this is why I enjoyed going on the platform to test my acquired skills and demonstrate my appreciation for the "free" education.
I'm curious, when you were asked to do a demo for a Service Meeting part, how did the request make you feel?
by Stand for Pure Worship 42 Replies latest jw friends
I was in one at a circuit assembly, can't remember what it was about but I used a TV that I borrowed from the circuit servant. He didn't really want me to use it but he finally agreed.
In the local KH I would assign all the parts for all the meetings. When I got the KM or Informant as it was called many years ago the programs were listed in it. I would assighn them as soon as I got it.
So many memories. I have forgoten most of it though.
Ken P.
Found Sheep
My LAST hall is small I had a talk or demo every Thursday. I did talks last second. Did I like it NO it was stressful. I laughed myself off the stage more then once
I would just not show up for boasting sessions frequently enough so it was risky to even bother asking. Hey, if joke-hova is going to snake-bless me, I am going to snake-serve that thing.
I would say yes even though I didn't want to do it? It wasn’t that often though, since I was the one asking sisters to help me out during the Service Meeting parts. I always gave them lots of notice in advance as a common courtesy and respect for their time & family. When I was asked I just considered it extra work jammed into my already busy schedule. Especially with demos I noticed it was an assignment better handled by the sisters, since they are generally more conscientious and capable at it.
Unfortunately like most assignments on the platform all your hard work & effort is mostly under appreciated. Realistically over the years you soon realize that the audience just wants to go home.
Most brothers & sisters are so zoned out at meetings due to stress and worries they are not paying attention to your demos, talks, etc.
So you are basically putting out all that time & effort for very little actual appreciation or benefit to anyone.
Jane and I were at one point the only ones who ever seemed to do demos. I tried to invove as many people as I could when I was service overseer but a lot of people didn't want to do them.
as a kid i got big laughs. Hated doing anything and avoided it like the plague
Now that the COBOE keeps a list of "approved publishers" and the bros with parts are supposed to check with him if they are using anybody out of the ordinary super-dooper witnesses, it is more of a high point if you haven't been used for a few years. My wife, who is at times too outspoken, had been blackballed off the platform for those demos for a long time. None of the elders understood why the COBOE said not to use her but he's the boss, you know? Not love, or "what would Jesus do?" The brother never forgets. But it seems that recently he finally put his pettiness aside and let her do a demo.
My wife would never admit it but it felt good for her to be running with the in crowd.
I privately wonder whether the brother with the part actually went through the proper channels. He probably got worked over afterwords.
I knew his wife and children had turned it down. That the demo was at that meeting I was at and he had waited till the last minute, forgotten he had the part, and at times the brother assigned had not shown up and he was stuck with it. I bailed many an elder out. But never felt special but it did change some elders ideas about me to a positive one. Nothing like hauling someone's behind out of the fire that's why firefighters are generally well liked.
hated it, still hate being asked and hate asking. The demo's are stupid and not necessary imho.