I'm curious, when you were asked to do a demo for a Service Meeting part, how did the request make you feel?

by Stand for Pure Worship 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • problemaddict


    One thing I forgot to address. If you ask someone to help you, you are not doing them a favor by not doing the demo after all because of time. While they might be relieved, it also is very unfullfilling and will not help them with their timidity or fear. Going through it and finishing is what creates the exhilaration of a "near-miss". I would recommend a book you might like. Just PM me if interested.

    Basically if you ask them to go through the trouble, and they agree, see it through.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    In our hall, Elders and MS were assigned "approved" publishers to use in demos by the PO.

    I got a little talking to once for just picking someone myself. . . Oh the horror!

  • ShirleyW

    WTF does my post have to do with Madea or that other movie.

  • friendaroonie

    I was always up for it even at. The last minut. It was an opportunity to be on stage and shiiine, shine. I always yook it seriously, usually added humor and always nailed.

  • likeabird

    I honestly found demos like a lot of hot air. It took longer to get to the platform and back than it actually took to do the demo itself!

  • LongHairGal

    Years ago, I was asked (sort of last minute) to take part in a demonstration. I refused because I felt self-conscious and generally hated the whole idea.

    The elder acted like my refusal was a personal affront to him.

  • 144001

    How did it make me feel to be asked to do a part in the service meeting? Like the exploited child that I was. I never volunteered for any of this garbage.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    My prayer:

    'Oh, dear God, please....please let Service Meeting Demonstrations be the next thing that the WTBTS does away with!'

  • NewYork44M

    I never had a problem with participating in a demo, and was never asked to exaggerate beyond a reasonable level. In fact, if they call me today I am ready for this Thursday for a demo that will blow their socks off.

  • shadow

    If I had a part and it had demo of presentation, I'd always make sure there was time for demo and cut back on me talking. Always thought it would be unkind to ask them to get demo together and then not give them a chance to do it. If last minute part and I couldn't find anyone then I'd just do it myself. Same thing with TMS. If someone didn't show for talk I'd ask for volunteers. If no volunteers did it myself or through Q&A with audience. For a long demo (not just a mag or book presentation), I'd make sure people had plenty of notice and a practice session before meeting. Threw in visual aids, humor, etc. whenever possible. Assumed it was a privilege and people should want to do it or at least be given the opportunity. That was before the more recent direction to squeeze even more life out of meetings. Not an elder any more so not an issue for me.

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