Great pik on today's ABC News (the Aussie one) site:
A wedged-tailed eagle takes a fox at a wheatbelt property near Lake King, WA.
by fulltimestudent 11 Replies latest social current
Great pik on today's ABC News (the Aussie one) site:
A wedged-tailed eagle takes a fox at a wheatbelt property near Lake King, WA.
poor little fox! great pic!
saw in georgia once a scene like that, and then the raptor flew over a fence and left the prey behind in the wire.
natural selection will favour birds that climb out of the ground effect.
food for thought and
the predator.
A hefty air carrier and air dominance will pretty well write off the recipient's military presence. Unless they have an air carrier to match, of course.
On a stroll through my suburban neighbourhood, I found a puzzle. There was a little pile of feathers under the lamp-posts. Three posts in a row. Then I understood. The raptor took the prey to the top of the lamp-post to pluck at his leisure.
In the earthly Paradise that Jehovah has promised mankind and for which he has lovingly provided abundant separately reproducible and irrefutable points of scientific evidence, the eagle will swoop down, grab a corn on the cob with its 400 psi talons, shuck it while standing on one foot, and chow down. This is how Jehovah personally designed the eagle's original behavior, before the Fall. Potatoes were out of reach because that required excavation, and red beets. But bananas were to be another staple of the eagle diet.
LOL- Corn grabbing talons.
and then, after the "flood", with all that long repressed agression freed, the vegetarian pre-carnivors started stealing corn cobbs, cabbage, carrots out of each others beaks, fangs, canines, and then switched to jaws, throats, meats that held the veggies. a balanced meal, a steal.
Jgnat: The eagle or other bird in georgia, did not lift the prey high enough so it got caught in the fence.
Ospreys will turn the caught fish to face forward before flight to get the best aerodynamics.
Bird brains are brainy.
why do so many nations have the eagle as their national symbol?
the eagle on the flag-pole, butcher* block? with feathers beneath?
*Russia, Austria, Egypt, the USofA, germany--?
talking of "hefty air carriers" above.
Things aeronautical (like eagles) that awed me in my lifetime:
The Zeppelins, b-17 bomber formations, the Berlin airlift by The Amricans, the British*, and the one I did not see,
the Cessna that flew from Finland to land on Red square, squarely in front of the Kremlin, Lenin's tomb. and:
the eagle has landed.
* Berliners got their LUNCH, breakfast, supper, their coal for electricity from the lfting of the western EAGLEs.
for 9 month 1947-48.
a scirmish in the cold war that was not won until the wall fell.
the power of air.