I can hear that poor fox yelping with pain as the talons meet through its flesh.............but then the fox has probably just torn some cute furry creature apart itself...............Praise Jah for the amazing food chain where fiercer, bigger, sharper, quicker wins out over small, fluffy & cuddly.
Eagle gets his lunch
by fulltimestudent 11 Replies latest social current
Heartofaboy: I can hear that poor fox yelping with pain as the talons meet through its flesh.............but then the fox has probably just torn some cute furry creature apart itself...............Praise Jah for the amazing food chain where fiercer, bigger, sharper, quicker wins out over small, fluffy & cuddly.
Impossible! Jesus assured us that 'God is Love.'
errrrr! sorry, I just remembered Matthew 6:26.
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
So I guess you're right, Heartofaboy! Yahweh (or, Jesus) fed the little fox to the eagle.
I wonder, was the fox terrified when the eagle's talons tore into it's flesh? If the fox is still alive when the eagle starts to tear it into pieces, will it feel pain?
Will it, in its fox spirit, say, 'Bless you Yahweh, for making me a meal for the eagle?'(Psalm 104)