..................................................... ...OUTLAW
Who is the FDS class from midweek meeting....last night
by Legacy 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
The elder that had the part at mine repeatedly called it the slave "class" which is not longer valid. It was driving and ubber zealout at my hall crazy that he kept saying it.
I used to be surprised whenever "apostates" knew current WT teachings better than current JWs.
Now it's becoming commonplace.
Maybe it's because deep down JWs are embarrassed by constant changes and tend to shut them out.
I have been out for 20 years , so please bear with me.
The F&DS are now only certain members of the GB of 8 men when they announce nu-lite in the publications/conventions ? True or false
And they were appointed when ?
Was their a F&DS class from jesus time till C.T Russell`s time ? Was he even part of the F&DS ?
What about the time period between C.T.Russell and the 21st century ? Who were the F&DS then ?
Is their a class ? , was their ever a class of F&DS`s ?
I`m sorry,I know I`m thick,slow of learning ,but I`m confused .
Saltheart Foamfollower
I conducted the study this week and took delight in referring to FDS as a class - printed copies still call it that, but the word class has been removed from the online version. It's amazing how quickly out of date a brochure from last year has become - the schools mentioned a couple of weeks ago (and repeated in this weekends WT study) being another example.
The (not so) Pure One
Check out Cedars blog for an explination. You are not thick, it is designed to be confusing.
Well Smiddy's comment has made me think.
Officially now there is no Class, but Smiddy asked When were they appointed?
The answer, according to new(est) light, is that the FDS were appointed in 1919.
This being the case, none of todays FDS were alive back then so Jesus did not just appoint men, but must have appointed a class of men. Either that or he keeps appointing men.
"Who really is the FDS whom the master [keeps] appointing..."
Splash, I tought the newest light is that they will be appointed at a future date, they are not appointed yet but claim they will be.
I notice that Cedars blog is over a year old , hasn`t that been superseeded by now ? Doesnt their nu-lite make Cedars post null and void ?
This new interpretation of the identity of the F&DS is relatively new isn`t it ? ( nu-lite ? ) in the last few months ?
So what is the current understanding .,2013 /December , When were they ,or, will they ,be appointed ? as the F&DS ?
Can somebody please explain ?
No, there is no new teaching that is just a few months old relating to the FDS. Cedars blog is still current light.
There are two appointments. The first is when Jesus' returns and appoints the FDS to feed the domestics. They say this occurred in 1919. He then leaves and returns a second time to appoint the FDS over all his belongings. They say this will happen at Armageddon and applies to all anointed, not just the FDS.
I am confused with the comments that are being made that they are no longer teaching that the FDS is a class. Their old teaching was that this class were all the anointed. The current teaching is that the FDS are all the Governing Body members only when they come together and make their decisions as a group. Given that the FDS is not one individual but the group of GB members working together, doesn't this mean that the FDS is still a class?