I Want Your Thoughts On This: A 80 Year Old Man Lost His Wife....

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    Practical people that we are, have any of us picked a "replacement" if ever the contigency was afforded?

    some prominent and well travelled Seniors made quick and surprisingly wide spread choices.

    there are also the twinkle in the eyes matchmakers,

    look athe efforts put forward in behest of David of Bethlehem.

  • minimus

    Great comments!

    I know this man and he is a very sexual person. More power to him!

    His family is disturbed and it's not their mom who just recently passed. I believe the mother's family might not be too thrilled but I do agree, there's not much time left.

  • JWdaughter

    Nothing wrong with it. The first Mrs. was gone and had been leaving for some time. I wouldn't be surprised if he was not getting a lot of neighborly care and concern from the lady upstairs-I know my mom has BEEN the neighbor many times. She never hooked up with a surviving spouse, but I could see how relationships could be very intense, close and personal (not sexual during the crisis) and change when the stresses are gone. 80 years old! Wow, how long a courtship would be recommended? Wait until they are ready for life, children, well established,jobs? All the reasons to "wait" are pretty much moot at 80 and 69. Life is too short. Be happy while you have some life in youl.

  • fulltimestudent

    Sexual desire continues until death.

    Bed-hopping-by both sexes- is said to be common in nursing homes for the elderly in Sydney (maybe Sydneyites are randier), so says several newspaper articles in the past. The churchy ones, even though they usually are well run, try to prevent bed-hopping, but they may as well try to stop young people experimenting.

    And, my mother was in a geriatric ward in a state run hospital, and reported the same activity. I wasn't game to ask her whether she participated.

  • Simon

    Will being miserable and lamenting bring his wife back or make good use of the rest of his life?

    Is there a defined time it takes someone to grieve?

    Does seeing someone else mean he won't always miss his wife?

  • Hortensia

    Ain't nobody's business but his own

  • Gayle

    I think it is his business, companionship, etc. Though I can understand family's concern if there's a marriage, & inheritance issues.

  • minimus

    He told me, when his wife first got sick that he needed to be with someone and that he couldn't be alone.

  • rmt1

    Kubler Ross timescale, not uniform.

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