atheist- Is there anything about born again christians you do like?
by unstopableravens 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They put on killer potlucks.
lol jgnat
Yes - I do immensely respect someone who believes, allows that belief to enrich their life but is acutely aware that it is simply a belief. There is something inspiring in standing for something when you know you don't have a full picture or you are faced with the uncertainty of the outcome. The believers who slip into certainty mode or who turn their lack of knowledge into a more certain belief (doubling down when their belief is shown to be empty) are where I start to despair at faith. Someone willing to stand up without full information and put forward an idea is exciting IF they are self aware enough to doubt and brave enough to modify their idea when presented with new info.
Not particularly directed only at BAs!
Yes definitely. I like the way their thread titles suggest a vulnerability to being liked. People who want to be liked tend to be nice - and that's most welcome from an interpersonal view. I also like that Christians have virtually ditched all other gods except one. So, they are one god away from being athiests themselves. As Richard Dawkins mused, Why not take that necessary step?
Yes - they are a good target for laughter....
Hmmm, I'd say it's their stated desire to have "child-like humility" that I find most endearing and refreshing....
Matthew 18:
2 And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
The sweetener is knowing that it's all contrived and incentivized, so they're only likely putting on a false humility act to NOT go to Hell, but to win the Grand prize, thinking they're going to be "the greatest in Heaven"!
In small doses, I suppose false humility is better than no humility (esp if the person hasn't actually accomplished anything worthy of praise or recognition in their lives).
Just as a born-again can hate the sin but love the sinner, I can have contempt for theism but love the theist.
I still get on well with some of my erstwhile BA chums.
cofty: is that your way of saying you love me?
thanks for everyones comments and your comedy . i just wanted a positive thread. lol i highly respect the atheist here who take time to discuss matters that they dont have to talk about. and i repsect the fact that you will not believe something because you feel pressured to do so.