When I first was kicked out of my house, it was a born again family that kept me off the streets. So while I disagree with their view of the universe, I do respect their hospitality and kindness.
atheist- Is there anything about born again christians you do like?
by unstopableravens 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They can put on a Good Rock Concert..
Born again Christians are like any other category of person. There are great ones, mediocre ones and awful ones.
I've met very few who weren't great.
Where the edges wear thin, however, comes when you denigrate the things they love. Yeah, just like the rest of us--they don't want to sit
still and let you poop on their values.
Is there a double-standard with born-agains? Usually, yes. They want to speak freely and convince others about what they feel
is important--however--the double-standard kicks in when a non-believer decides to do the same thing.
But, then--life isn't fair.
Non-believers or (as I am) agnostics might want to consider what exemption we think we deserve regarding rudeness and out-calling.
Life would be much more pleasant for everybody if belief in God or non-belief equally could allow us to be a better person in
refusing to treat others pejoratively.
pyraimid: im glad, you got help at the right time. so im assuming jws kicked you out?. outlaw: lol im going to plead the 5th on that one. terry: yeah you could be right on the double standard part. maybe it has to do with when you really believe something, and you want others to love what you love. and see things how you see them it can lend itself to wanting to put out your side and reject the others.
outlaw: lol im going to plead the 5th on that one.....USR
Vincent Furnier is actually a Born again Christian..LOL!!..
He plays the character "Alice Cooper" in his concerts..
it can lend itself to wanting to put out your side and reject the others. - Unstop
"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken" - Oliver Cromwell 1650
outlaw: a friend of mine i think knows him, ill see if he has any insight.
They are wonderful when they leave me alone. ;)
scully: lol ill see if we can change that, maybe a few more gospel tracts on your windsheild
Well, as a group they are obnoxious. As individuals, I've met some nice ones, very pleasant people.