making connections

by losingit 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • losingit

    One of the thing I appreciate most about this site is reading other people's experiences while in and out of the cult. When I read other people's stories, it helps to validate my own experiences. I rarely talked to anyone else besides my husband concerning my doubts, and so for the entire time that I was in I thought I was the only one having these negative experiences with the brothers in the Kingdom Hall. I thought I was the only one that saw the inconsistencies in the literature and, basically, all of the BS that was spouted from the platform.

    And now I realize that the sister who gave me study, my "spiritual mom" also had doubts and was unhappy with her life as a JW. I remember our conversations. She is a very very smart woman. They have offered her the position of head nurse of the pediatric center where she works. Her kids are basically geniuses. But she shared with me that she has a huge battle against "independent thinking." Because she is so intelligent, she relied on her own reasoning and understanding to get through the day in her personal and professional dealings. She did not need to rely on Jehovah. She did not have to "wait on Jehovah." What's wrong with that? Well, when you start thinking as a Witness you become unhappy. You can identify the BS. You see it in the literature. On the platform. You know that you are limiting your children, yourself, your husband. It is a sad scenario. My "spiritual mom" suffers from cognitive dissonance, too. And she releases her pent-up frustration by remodeling the house... I am making connections beyond myself. Now I see it in others who were in the cult with me. I was not alone before.

    Another point... One of the things I had a hard time relating to was those who shared their health difficulties, physically. It makes sense to me that one would suffer emotionally from the spiritual abuse put upon the R & F by the higher-ups. My personal experience is a testament to this. I suffered bouts of depression during my time in the cult, and I now understand that jwism holds the brunt of the fault there. I guess I didn't understand the physical health part (chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.) that some share because I did not experience it personally nor with anyone I knew while in the cult. Until recently...

    My "spiritual mom's" husband suffers from strange bouts of sickness to the point where he needs to be hospitalized. The doctors have NO IDEA what is wrong with him. They have ran every single test you can think of. He catches 103/104 degree fevers that require hospitalization because they will not go down with standard, over-the-counter medicine. His joints become stiff and he can barely walk. The key here is: the doctors do not know what is wrong. I will repeat: they ran every single test imaginable. And last night, it occured to me, out of the thin blue sky, that perhaps, this man might be suffering physically from the extreme cognitive dissonance of being a 3rd generation "born in" inflicting this cult upon his family.

    There it is. I now understand.

  • Angus Beef
    Angus Beef

    I agree.

    I think my years of Fatique, depression, anxiety attacks ( that only happened at the Khall) aches and pains that every other if not all sisters had also were from stress of WTS and it's life.

    My thought, it's easy to be sick from something "they" can't see or prove. I know there are ones sick that truely suffer. But for me, I think it's all in my head.

    FMS is gone now. Ended when I was divorced 5 years ago and was put on Paxil. Finally off the meds and remarried to one awesome man. Amazing what emotional stress can do to ones body and soul.

    I'm trying to fade and it's mentally killing me at this time...just not letting it make me phyically ill, I've had enough of that!

    Best wishes to you~~

  • Jen1

    I am in my late 40s and was born into this. Thought I was going mad, have felt ill for years, tired all the time, aches and pains depression. And anxiety attacks! Pushed into baptism, pioneering from school. Sick to my stomach with nerves in field service every single time I went out everytime I put my hand up to answer at meetings, do talks constantly being told to pray about it, pray pray pray, are you praying for help.

    My husband has bad health and it is difficult to get to meetings thank goodness. We see the hypocrisy of how the jws really treat people. Self righteous elders wives who constantly try to interfer!!!!! I am a good person and yet I am so bad in the jws eyes. I have no one to turn to not one single worldy friend. No association with school friends outside of school. No association with workmates out side of work. I do not work now!

    I guess I have been fading and did not know it.

    Elders have been texing for a visit. And I am worried I will tell them to go to hell and stop bothering me. Their wives have been texting as well!

    Its a small town. What do I do?? I cannot be dissfell. it would kill my mum at this point!!

    Is it possible to go to the odd meeting, put a report in without going out in service, just we sweetness and light with them say what you know they want, while trying to make friends in the world??? Oh and I did try to do the right thing when one elder treated me badly I talked to another elder about it mainly because I burst out crying with him and his wife and they wanted to know what was wrong, I explained and he said well we could sort this out but you know what that family are like it will totally blow up for you and not end good for you.

  • losingit


    First-- welcome to JWN!

    You can vent your frustrations here. We understand, or will do our best to.

    Im sorry to hear about thedifficult times you and yourhusband are suffering under the WTBTS.

    Ive never had a first time poster on any of my threads. I want tobe encouraging to you... where is ABibleStudent (Robert) , Simon, and jgnat! Please greet this new member on JWN. They usually offer such great advice or offer wonderful words of empathy and concern.

    Most new postersintroduce themselves on a separate post so that we can all

  • losingit

    Properly greet you Jen1

    Remember we are here for you!

  • Rebecca 619
    Rebecca 619

    jen1 welcome to this site, i am sorry you are going through this difficult time, the most important thing to know is your valuble to Jehovah and what i have done is go to meetings for Him, if i dont feel good i no longer worry what is anyone going to say if i dont go to service i no longer worry its a relief do what you can and when i feel down i visit the older ones in congregation, they are so apreciative and give you love,

  • Rebecca 619
    Rebecca 619

    losingit, we feel depressed somtimes because you never feel good enough, or we need to do more, now i do what i can and Jehovah see whats in my heart...... do you think your friends husband has autoimune disease reumatoid arthritis, flare ups are caused by stress,

  • JakeM2012

    Jen 1, welcome to the forum. I understand what you are going through as I have suffered similar health issues and symptoms, and difficult situations in the congregation. You can find support here, it does take time to heal though. I particularly can identify with your comments about elders wives. I have not figured out why JW congregations are so prone to one or two elders wives believing it is their mission in life to run the congregation.

    I am seriously working on trying to cut the final emotional strings so that I can put the witness life behind me and move on, hopefully, with the previous life slowly forgotten in the rear view mirror.

    Welcome again, if you wish to post an introductory post and tell us about yourself we would certainly be interested.

  • JakeM2012

    Losingit, wrote, " I suffered bouts of depression during my time in the cult, and I now understand that jwism holds the brunt of the fault there. "

    I believe this to be true and couldn't agree with you more. I have experieced the cycles of depression myself. It would make an interesting study if someone was able to prove a connection between the beliefs of Jw's, their environment, the indoctrination at the meetings, guilt trips, congregational politics and etc, and physical or mental disorders.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Be careful about connecting illness to the Witnesses. I saw a dentist for a root canal crown. The visit triggered agonizing facial pain that derailed my life for a while. B/c my jaw was involved, dentists treated me. Altho they had ethical duties to inform me, they just looked at me in a strange way. I did the round of teaching hospitals on both coasts. X-rays revealed no pathology. All I could think about was suicide. My professional training told me to remain calm but I wasn't calm. I did my own research. For the first time in my life, I decided to follow hope over credentials. There was no way I could accept the pain. A dental text book I purchased at a dental school book store described my pain and treatment offered in a far away state.

    Pain is a great motivator. When they opened my jaw with no pathology, it was completely rotted away. My entire jaw bone had died. The oral surgeons told me they were ready to pass out with shock. Not only was it necrotic but it was down to dust. Depression can be a convenient label when medical tests don't show anything. Medicine is very much an art. The dead bone had to be scraped. Other patients who did their own research and some lucky locals presented with the same symptoms and pathology.

    My story could have just as easily gone the other way. There is no way to know.

    There are certain hallmarks of good mental hygiene. Rational thinking is a big one. I posted the other night that Witnesses focus on the bad stuff. God is vengeful. Armageddon. When you read the Bible, Armageddon plays a small part. In fact, most church fathers considered Revelation an embarassment and wanted it out of the canon. Bad things are pulled out of context. Jesus' love is underestimated. The world is not viewed as a place of good and bad. No, it is evil. I see much good in the world. Our neighbors will die at Jehovah's hand. It is spiteful. The high control and overreaching takes its toll.

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